What are you working on currently? [2016]

So enchanting…

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All clients are more or less in sync with each other as this uses the server tick + little hack to create perfect deltas for the bullets to use, you would only be off by 0.01-0.2 seconds most on the receiving end of the bullet.

Yay 4 clientside recursive raycasting!


looks a lot like mine !
nice !

Very nice place thus far. Question though, why does my character appear to move at like 2 FPS when I zoom all the way out?

That’s an optimization, I plan to add graphics settings thats let you change that. You should see what happens when they’re behind the camera :wink:

wow, I’d really like to know how you did that… definitely doesn’t look like something made by just fiddling with particle emitter properties… gotta be some scripting in there… I donno, just looks a lot different than what I usually see from a particle emitter.

go crazy. Particles.rbxl (12.5 KB)

interesting bits:

  • 0.001x0.001x0.001 emitter part for hard lines
  • use a default rbxasset texture to avoid downloading images (my gif uses smoke_main.dds or something)
  • acceleration is changed on heartbeat to something like
    (a*sin(b*sin(c*t)*pi*2), d, a*cos(b*sin(c*t)*pi*2)) for an oscillating angle (looks like seaweed for large values of d), or alternatively (a*sin(b*t), c, a*cos(b*t)) for continuous rotation
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Oh joy, trigonometry math. I mean i did well for the most part with that kind of math (and any math really) in high school, but it’s been a few years seen I really had to do any of that kind of thing, so now whenever I look at that stuff… I’m like…

Also how did you make a part that is 0.001x0.001x0.001? Isn’t there a minimum of 0.2x0.2x0.2?

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Union it, resize it, separate it.

oh interesting… If parts that small are actually supported, I wonder why roblox doesn’t just remove that minimum, instead of making us use unions to make a part that small.

If I had to take a guess it would be that the parts are so small that they are unstable for physics, and it may be too hard to select the parts in Studio and to work with them at all. The only use case I can think of is for particles, so it may be better if they add a property to ParticleEmitter to emit them from the center position instead.

Fun with particles !!!
Thanks @Fractality_alt for the waving script !!

Every of those are made out off a unique emitter.


The only use? What about a wall of lag built from thousands of those tiny parts? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, with AA you could use them for small, intricate patterns or text too.

Fallout vibes. (mesh by Pumpkinwhite)



You need some throat lozenges, here take these.

Whats that for?

Forgot to mention that was for GOTY Kinetic Code by @ScriptOn, but this particulat armor will probably not be used. The texture that is.


Fun response:

I thought there actually needed to be a game for it to be a GOTY.

On topic response:

That is a nice render for that suit! Actually seeing a rounded, normal looking helmet on that rig instead of the blocky head is always a plus in my books.

(Warning 8MB Webm) https://www.dropbox.com/s/khlgs87v01fgv74/2016-05-19_23-07-31.webm?dl=0 Right click open in new window to get it to play.
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