Why so hot on the outside?
Looks awesome btw
I’ve been modeling a steampunk ornithopter powerplant. The powerplant is based on the Doble system, which uses a flash heater instead of a boiler, and recycles water with a condenser. Fuel injection is accomplished with venturis. Since the ornithopter is meant to be a wearable device that goes on the user’s back, the tanks are designed to be able to be held in a vertical orientation.
Creating the structure to hold the wings in place is the next step, then the wings themselves.
Can you spot all these elements?
- Fuel tank
- Fuel shutoff valve
- Venturis
- Smokestack
- Safety valve
- Water tank
- Water filler
- Cylinder
- Steam Condenser
Telletubbies all grown up
I was thinking filthy frank myself
It’s stil pretty dark i think
That’s the fun part lol have fun crashing XD Added some more pics. Don’t forget you’re on a hoverbike that has headlights >.>
Test import of the steampunk ornithopter powerplant:
I want it to look amazing and majestic while in use, so I want the wings as big as I can while still making them look good. They’ll fold up vertically while standing. I’m thinking to make things look nice, I’ll have to add something to the front of the powerplant (beside the wing roots and mechanism), something like a ships figurehead but a bird head.
Imagine how cool the headlights would be with the new lighting system
Switched Sound Volblox from using parts for notes to ImageLabels by switching the game field to a SurfaceGui.
bad quality video but still 1GB, thanks FRAPS
Using parts meant dynamically resizing hold note length based on the distance from the head to the cap, which meant adjusting mesh scale on RenderStepped (even if it really wasn’t necessary; I could have just updated it on hi-speed/spacing change), which is incredibly expensive.
By switching to SurfaceGui, I can completely mitigate this expensive process in exchange for different graphics. It’s just so smooth now it’s fantastic
My second 3D modeling/blender attempt. A low poly Winchester lever action rifle
Make the game a little bit easier please, would you?
Spent the past few hours getting my GameTest3 version to work on Roblox, and adding the canopy that goes over the plane. Need to figure out if I need to replace the Motor6Ds with HingeConstraints.
Wait wut?
They live on normal roblox or still gametest3?
Been working the past 3 days to get everything to line up all nice and fancy. Still needs some more details but ‘secret’ project #3 is getting there and the annoying part (making everything line up nicely and snap to grids) is done.
Live on production.