What are you working on currently? (2017)

I made a game where anyone who joins has their character put up on a podium that stays there forever.


Pretty cool but the beginning looked very… floppy?
Or artificial maybe I don’t know what the correct term is


Is this a “find Waldo” game :p?

I added a gamepass that lets you change the color and material of your pedestal


I’m currently working on a Lantean-style outpost for the group Ancient Domain (stargate - ancient based group). It’s one of the oldest in the stargate community, and I’m looking to give us a nice new place to hangout in.


Future is bright lighting !

More cave thing !!


sneak peaks




It’s a fun game to play/stream (especially since most people are bad lel), but I’m curious when the parachute autodeploys. Is it at a static sea level or if you’re a certain height above the ground?

Position.Y < 600

When we get the next map and altitudes change drastically it’ll likely be done better lol. The theme of the game has been “rush and get everything working” >_<

I haven’t noticed anything wrong. Just unexpected behaviour like not being able to jump out of a (driver/passenger) seat, not sure how much or what loot spawns when you kill someone, … the sniper is awesome btw

Are you sure? That’s something I’ve never heard of >_< When’d you run into that issue?

Players drop everything in their inventory when they die.

The very few times I was in a car (since they seem to be laggy?), I could only leave the buggy by pressing E

E is the leave vehicle/enter vehicle button haha. I don’t use roblox’s “touch seat to sit”/“jump to leave seat” thing since it’s unreliable :confused:

I understand the “press E to enter” as before I got close enough, I was already thinking “how am I gonna get in here”, but the “press spacebar to leave” was still the first thing I did when trying to leave, out of habit.

Good feedback, thanks. I’ll be making a tutorial level for new players in a bit.

You should definitely consider making spacebar an alternate way to leave vehicles - he’s not the only one with that habit.

Also make the controls thingy a bit more obvious. I missed it the first time I played and spend 5m trying to figure out how to get the big map (which apparently isn’t possible yet). Inventory was a fun one to figure out to: “not E, not I, not Q, not one of the bottom letters, not one of any letter… playerlist key remains? oh, gg” TL;DR: make control thingy obvious

Apart from all that, it’s definitely a fun game. Might also be a result of winning a lot, but definitely not biased by that!

oh and shameless self-advertising for a highlight (triple win) of my broadcast that ended 5m ago: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/165424564

haha yeah. It’s a little weird for roblox natives to use but it works quite well outside of it so I have to make sure my tutorial is obvious enough for roblox vets to understand.

Congrats on the wins :slight_smile:

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