What are you working on currently? (2017)

faster reloads!


ROBLOX animations probably would be less expensive than a custom implementation, but they aren’t used for several reasons:

  • cannot share animations
  • current implementation is easy to modify to fit different part sizes
  • impossible to match real motion with tweens
  • dynamic animations much easier with mathematical implementation

Sinusoidal oscillation is in red, actual oscillation of crosshead is in orange. The sinusoidal oscillation amplitude and offset is matched to that of the crosshead. The crosshead acceleration is smaller at top dead center than at bottom dead center, unlike the sinusoidal motion whose acceleration is equal at top and bottom dead center. This is for a rod with a length of 5 that traces a circular path with a radius of 1 where the end of the rod traces a straight line that extends through the center of the circle.

The crosshead oscillation approaches sinusoidal as the ratio of rod length to radius approaches infinity, but this limit can be completely obliterated if the line the end of the rod traces does not extend through the center of the circle.


huh, i wonder why animations are secure from people using without permission, but stuff like audio and mesh isn’t…

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They aren’t

Working on it




That’s awesome. This takes the Discord-Roblox joint to a whole new level!

Coming soon. (x2)


Meet Worldly!


Anyone fancy an arcade machine of their game?
Doing some texturing practice, so just drop me a pm with images from your game and I should be able to hook u up.




Cool 8 bit art, are you working on a set or just that one?

I particularly like 8 bit art that depicts natural scenes, this is one of my favorites:



There’ll be more to the set bit later

It’s actually one of the automatically generated icons from the customization system I made for cannoneers


You’re adding the HMS Chad (a boat made of a single, brown wedge) when?

as soon as I get atf: mad max edition

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Sweet, I will have to check that out when it’s completed.

Brutal’s code is getting another refresh and now can handle roughly 2k projectiles! (without collision tho)
Also, been working on a lil arena to test out all the revamped enemies;
heres the projectiles at play

and R15 enemies

R15 NPC’s Humanoids are really annoying when they group up as they start to “collide” with eachother, even after being told that they can’t collide with their own collision group, the Humanoid still includes them in its calculations. To get around this, all these enemies are inside capsules, which are essentially stopping the other parts from touching them. If anyone has any better methods, I would be very keen to know!


for those of you who remember my RDC game jam entry (that was a finalist):

I’d like to remake it entirely at some point… new enemies and all.

and now i can do this

which means (if i make more guns) you can pick up a fallen teammates gun, exactly how they dropped it (including ammo)

edit: and it’s live (kinda)


Heres the one thing that is sticking out to me;
all your enemies are coming from one direction in the room segments.
That means the player can stand in one spot and take potshots without much need to move. You have a big area at the start, but very little reason for the player to utilise it. If you add another spawn zone in the centre/middle of the room, the player will then be forced to kite around. Additionally, if you had 4 spawn zones, one in the center, and 3 in a triangle around it, you could have the smaller enemies trickle in the middle, and have the bigger enemies appear in the outside ones.

Its got potential my dude :slight_smile:

Wow! Those animations look hot! Good job!

(attack on titan ftw)

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I’ve been working on getting my wood grain correct, because I heard that’s a thing. Pretty sure I nailed it.