The set is now complete!
I can try, lol
I made a topic on this already,but I thought I would be better to post it here.
How does it look, and what can I do to improve it?
How’s the polycount? Also, seems like you’re only using solid color rather than textures. I’d try some texturing!
(If you’re planning on doing renders of it, I’d recommend using a specular map on the blade to make it shiny!)
Looks cool! Some kind of orc/goblin weapon
Yeah, the polycount is 3,124 in total. I’ve already separated it and put it into Roblox for using Roblox textures. I’m bad at texturing myself but I’ll try to find some good ones.
Are you the one they talked about in the stories?
Nice hood bob!
Probably possible after @zeuxcg’s lighting upgrade if it ever comes and potentially a higher decal/texture resolution limit. Maybe I’m missing things
this looks so cool
Nice man! are the physics driven by regular roblox physics?
11/10 gui design and lighting. really sets a “classy game” feel to it.
Everything controlled server side other than client side input All the physics handled server side as well. My first version I completed in under 24 hours but this took a little bit under 30 starting completely from scratch again.
The evil wyvern for Kingdom Life II: Revamped!
The good one coming soon!
More perlin worm stuff
Couple more small gifs
It tries to spawn rock around the worm if it eats into a surface, but being that the worm’s span and directions are pretty random it sometimes makes some weird looking ruins-like structures
No clue what stories you’re on about, so I guess no .
Hoping cookie clicker-inspired games are still popular ;D
edit: looks better when everything isnt plastic
Pretty seamless Roblox rig → Blender rig and Blender animation → Roblox animation conversion process now! It creates about a hundred parts with a special name in Roblox and exports that with the .obj, which the Blender importer then interprets as the (rig) metadata. Super hacky, but it works.
It also supports arbitrary parts being welded to the rig, such as hats or other, more complicated things. Feels like it’s actually getting somewhere now .