What are you working on currently? (2018)

Still adjusting lighting, adding some more smaller light effects and other smaller details

lag is a slight problem, but should be able to cut out a ton of it after the next update


This is the kind of detail I’ve looked up to since I started out on Roblox way back when. Animating the joystick (because why not) just shows how even the small things matter to someone.

Nice job!

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Testing out lighting. Opinions?


I’m gonna point out the obvious, it needs to have an orange-ish skybox to match the color of the sun rays.


Thought I’d share some stuff I posted on Twitter as I’ve yet to share anything here. These are pictures of a WIP project as well as some stats showing how it runs at the moment for me (this was taken while there were still thousands of excess copies and reference parts in the workspace, and will be a lot better upon completion).


Trust me, you’ll like <3

I’m speechless

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Credit to cinnamonpancake for all of the window and fence decals/textures. He’s an incredibly talented and fast-working artist, go check him out!

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Oh look it’s Pixar

seriously though, holy crap

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Got a link to his works?

Can confirm, cinnamonpancake is a great artist to work with. He’s been involved with a lot of my projects.

While I’m at it I’ll also show off some of my current project where he provides some meshes, textures and animations. Some of the stuff is still at a prototype stage. Trees, rocks and landscape are by me, meshes such as wolf, textures and other stuff are by cin and partly bought.

The project is partly based on a VR project I did for university with unity last year, which cin also made a poster and logo for.

He’s open for commisions, just pm him if anyones interested. He’s currently not yet in devforum (application has been pending for a few months).

@HIERO_GLYPH, cinnamonpancake and me are also trying to form a team for a fantasy rpg. We could use a 2nd scripter and animator. If anyone is interested in that message me or Hieroglyph. I may make a collab post about that sometime.




I tested this using the future is bright!


Damn that OP

wide boi spotted

Yeah, I already was aware of that, thanks for pointing out anyways

Decided to make a variant of my original render for asimo.

It’s neat :+1:

Edit: Hopefully you guys don’t think that this is a model I made, if you want the original, you can get it here: McLaren 570S - Roblox


whats going on with the headlights?


it’s crying


[Shrug] Maximum efficiency :wink: