What are you working on currently? (2018)

just gonna post images here of my team’s progress because it seems like people are more likely to skim over a link to a tweet.

[tweet version]

there’s also this: [another tweet]


a couple of those images are a bit outdated. here are some newer ones:


Cool! Have you tried out my method?

Hmm? And your method being?

Oh wow they do look pretty similar

Though mine has very rapidly been growing out of the style I had yesterday + I’m scripting UI now


I want to not procrastinate and become a much better scripter as I’m currently a graphic designer. I want to release 2 projects worthy of being called a “game”.

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A really nice scenery on weapon shop for my game here
Special thanks to @13kapi13 for the room of the shop

I would appreciate some feedback :slight_smile:


Amazing! Its legit so cool. Once thing that should be changed is the header being a gradient. The build, and most of the other ui are flat, so that should too. Other than that, its cool :+1:.


Nice UI and 3D shop!

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Yeah actually many told me to make the top bar flat also and so i should actually…Thank you besides :heart:

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Recently I’ve been reading up on ocean simulation.
Here I use multiple Gerstner waves to create a realistic ocean surface. It’s simple to alter different properties of the wave. Points on the wave move in all directions not just up and down.
The only real more complex ocean simulation known is using Fast Fourier Transform.

Needs some efficiency improvements to render detailed seas on a large scale. Could possibly implement LoD in the future for giant oceans.


Those unique names sound like champions from League of Legends…

The animation I’ve been posting gifs of should be on Youtube by tomorrow or Thursday:D

I’ll post a link here when it’s ready


Oh, I’ve never played LoL :smiley:

https://devforum.roblox.com/t/bonanza-upcoming-game-2018-updates/57468 A lot of stuff I have for my upcoming game BONANZA! : FIREFIGHT Just didn’t want to post all of it here XD

This started as such a clean project. Got a bit messy in the end with the ledge generation, the type where you know you wont be able to get back to it more than a couple days after making it. owell.

Randomly generated old school roblox stairs


What’s it’s purpose?

Mostly for fun. Maybe I’ll set up a little explosive brickbattle for a one off game in discord or something.

Someone has to drive those planes around