What are you working on currently? (2018)



He has learned nothing from the last time :joy: :man_facepalming:


When making animations you shouldn’t bend the arm like this
as it is unnatural. Instead, turn the upper arm sideways and then bend the lower arm forward.

Brightness and Contrast adjusted images for those who can't see them

Picture of my screen

I have a dark theme applied, which is why the background is dark. That actually helps make it more visible!

Not high quality but it gets the point across. I didn’t know the crane had wheels at first.

We didn’t give many helpful resources, though. It’s possible that @Veov_Ekdosi sees everything as really dark too! Maybe he wants a dark environment, but doesn’t know how to make it dark without making it too hard to see.

Check this out. I figured there would be advice for this somewhere. How to make an environment look dark without being dark is not a very intuitive thing!

Some ideas
  • When things are actually dark in real life, our eyes adjust and they stop looking dark for us. Our eyes aren’t going to adjust to a dark screen like that, though. You have to make everything on the screen lighter for this purpose.
  • In real life, we can see dark stuff, but it loses saturation, and we have to guess the colors! Try a desaturated bluish color with a dark background. It should be possible to see in this environment fairly easily, but it should feel dark. Play with the ColorCorrection effect.
  • If you want to scare the player with the darkness, then what’s more important is that you scare them with the unknown. Give them a limited area to see with a torch or something (the known) and a whole area of darkness they can’t see (the scary unknown). Playing in constant darkness isn’t very fun; it’s straining. If everything is dark already, then why would the dark be scary?
  • If you want to scare the player with things they can’t see at first, you might want to try some sort of script-invoked lighting changes. Player is in the light, can’t see the dark → puts light out → script adjusts ColorCorrection so that the dark is visible, and all the spooky things can be seen.

For example, here's nighttime Crossroads using these ideas

Here’s another, brighter one:

It’s much easier to see, but it definitely feels dark.

Don’t mean to drag this on! Someone already mentioned it, so I figured I’d add in a few tips and a useful link. Can’t hurt, right? :smile:


I’m certified to operate these

(and I hope I never ever have to because those things are TERRIFYING)


Yeah, i don’t know much about making good lighting which is pretty irritating, literally look at anything I post on here, some are great and most are God awful, I even changed my brightness and contrast on 50/50 so I could see what people are talking about. xD

Thanks for the tips m8!

This is really nice, all the shapes being used here compliment eachother well. Open, but not too open. Nice colour pallete, and you’ve reduced the fog distance slightly and made it a similair colour as the skybox, good move! Whats this for?


I’m currently working on many different areas for a potential RPG game. Something similar to Paper Mario. This is just a terrain test though.

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Practicing the Overwatch art style by making this scene. Should mention it’s (obviously) not Roblox, but Unreal Engine 4. Still far from finished, though.

EDIT: Updated the lighting in the images below. Looks a lot better imo.


You really nailed the tech-pillars. I had no idea it was Overwatch-inspired but every time I saw you post this on twitter I thought “man those pillars are OW as hell”.



MCW Update: progress on Crossroads map:


Is this ROBLOX?



It’s not, Unreal Engine 4.



Lovely lighting and mesh design. What game or project is this for?

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Actually, everything in there is built in studio, which may or may not be a good thing.
But I’m making this with one of my friends, we’re calling it Asteroid Engineers.
Premise of the game is to make a colony on an asteroid and harvest its resources, which you can sell or trade to other players in a universe.

Thanks for asking!
If you’re curious for more or the Trello we have for the whole game, just DM me at lavafactory#2041.
Appreciate the time you took to ask this!

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Neat. Legoman654 and I are working on a similar game inspired by empyrion. There arent many sci fi idle games on roblox

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Oh cool! And no there is not, aha.

Day 3 of side project (with @TigerCode building)