What are you working on currently? (2018)

Phil!!! Load up the truck


Geez that frame rate is rough


Finally finished the space shuttle



Inspired by @Chaotic_Cody: more water!
I tried to give it physics, with mixed results. It looks mostly OK, and I amen’t bothered tweaking values until it’s perfect.

Early failed attempts:




This is the finished product:

(Almost working) wave physics!



Please upload some better gifs (That we can actually play them)


Yeah I’ve uploaded them all 3 times, doesn’t seem to want to play them. They play fine on my PC…

I just stuck in some gyazo links for the ones that don’t load.

You can try uploading to Gfycat and pasting the Gfycat link:



You can also directly paste the Gyazo MP4 link:



All of these get embedded as videos, not as gifs. I’ve never had a problem with Gfycat loading except in a quote block, so if pasting the mp4 link from Gyazo doesn’t work, you can try that. I personally use ShareX and have it set to upload screen recordings to Gfycat.


I use the Touched event, and it detects if it finds a humanoid and if it does it will do damage

That’s awesome! Nice work.

If you’re in a squad, will the squad “owner” be given a symbol beside their name? (To indicate its their squad you’re talking in.)

Started designing a chat ui similar to the one @Blueice506 made for Apoc 2. Going to make slight adjustments and ignore the black outline around the hammer(which is only temporary). Haven’t coded it yet, but will be merging it with my existing chat code either tonight or tomorrow.

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Very inspiring…

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We’ve formatted our Narrative Design Doc for Rhythm Stars. We’ll be incorporating the game’s lore in most of the game’s aspects.
We should be writing dialogue some time soon for the voice actors.

@TheAcousticDev has written most of it as he’s our lead Narrative Designer. I’ve added some characters, made some edits to the character bios and formatting.

He’s done a pretty good job imo. I’m looking forward to further progress.
Just wanted to put that out there to show that we’re not lacking. I’m hoping to get back to posting map update screenshots soon. (yes I’ve still been working on that but I’m not satisfied yet.)

41 pages and still going strong.

Feel free to leave feedback, all feedback is appreciated.


8k*8k stud randomly generated map


You should use raycasts, you’ll guarantee more hits than just a touched event. And you could make the bullet stop at that point if you wanted to.

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I see what you mean, one of the reasons I changed this had to do with Source Sans Bold becoming increasingly ugly (for design anyway) under size 20. Arial Bold works perfectly fine at those sizes, but after years of using that font almost exclusively I wanted something that felt more fresh and contrasting. I think it’s nice because it gives the name cards more identity, rather than being inseparably bound to the body text of the chat.

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How’s the performance with such a large map? Do you intend to locally procedurally generate the map in chunks for the final product? By the way it looks lovely, reminds me of when I was doing something similar with node based terrain (which had really bad performance issues of coarse since I used parts).

This is something that’s addressed in the playerlist. Squad leaders are marked with a star next to their name, which in the next update will also include a tooltip for clarification. I didn’t leave any room for this in the chat (studio positions like moderator or developer are shown inside name cards, in-game positions like squad leader are shown outside) because I didn’t think it was necessary outside of the playerlist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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I did a thing… if any building block (grey blocks) that isn’t connected to the terrain (green blocks), the structure will collapse. I wonder where I got this idea from? :thinking:


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We’ve got a lot of stuff >.>

I did a thing like that many moons ago. I wonder where I got it from? :thinking: