What are you working on currently? (2019)

i made a thing


It’s a map for my RTS game(The Conquerors 3). It’s not designed to be totally realistic. It does have a bit more content than usual, I’ll have to see how it goes down ingame

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I reckon the explosions could be slightly smaller to scale with the size of the enemies. Other than that, looks good! :smile:

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Old post from 2017:

I was cherry-picking data from my old PC and found this file back with the electric arc effect that I half-finished over a year ago and completely forgotten about, so I spent a bit of time patching it up and actually released it now, free to take here:



I don’t have any images to share, but I’m currently rescripting @BuildIntoGames very old Guest Defense game from scratch to be FE compatible with possibly new features added here and there while taking a small break from Toonblox: Universe. I’m hoping to have it accessible to the public tomorrow.

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Of course they’ll fade out, but that’s not done yet


Added in the first 2 ways you can rob NPCs! Also finished the weapon system :eyes:


Made a Node+MongoDB server boilerplate application if anyone needs one: https://github.com/ClockworkSquirrel/node-mongo-rest-server

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I have been making a maze game but I fond it not fun to get lost so I made I so it seems like your lost but you really being lured by little things:


Currently working on some side projects such as a small office complex, a massive museum…ish sorta thing, and redoing one of my hotels so I can have something to showcase later on. I also have a driving game I’m currently working and hope to get that done soon! :grin:

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A little something @Blizzyrd and I made today :sunglasses:. All we need now are the fishies :tropical_fish:


Brushtool 2.0 is coming together nicely!

I have yet to work on the backend, lol.


You have no idea how excited my team and I are for this lmao


I am working on Portal surfaces! I am very close. Need help though!

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How do you make the UI look like regular studio? thats awesome

I believe they are Lua Widget GUI’s.
The insides though, I bet he made them from scratch following the same theme as Studio. Awesome indeed!

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Roblox has this library that they released along with widgets that lets you create all the standard ui menu type ui objects… (Radio buttons, CheckBoxs, ect…) It even handles detecting and switching up dark theme for you.

  • I lifted a lot of the code from the toolbox plugin.
  • Roact library to write my UI components (the toolbox was using Roact so I kinda had to anyway).
  • Theme Api to get the colors.
  • The rest was painstakingly eyeballed and tested by me.

EDIT: I used the StudioWidgets for a few of my previous plugins, but I stopped using it because it’s not as flexible as components I made myself in Roact. It also doesn’t seem to be maintained anymore…

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