I’m making a game inspired by @SamsonXVI’s Camping called Egg Hunt.
Here’s a board with posters of drawings, render and my masterpiece from My Droplets.
Recently, I was busy with tests, so progress is still at the menacing mage’s background, but it’s almost complete.
Using the headtracking stuff I posted about earlier, playing around with making your character “bump” into other characters while running. Going to need more easing / sensitivity tweaking before it feels realistic though.
My first game! Not really good at building. Please provide suggestions and improvements! Thanks!
Made the minecraft bee out of parts just for fun today.
I made this using a buildboard gui and beams and I am really satisfied with the results. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve this, please tell me.
Working really hard on Tower Defenders, along with a mesh modeler
Relatively speaking, I am working on a new boss for the game…
While introducing the OOF Man demo to my friends, one of them reminded me that I could make it so the player can shoot sideways while climbing ladders just like mega man.
Now you can change shooting direction by pressing A or D while climbing a ladder and also see what direction your weapon is pointing at by looking at the icon above the player’s head.
You could change the books to have different colours to give a better look, other than that it’s great
Started working on the new engine for Blox Survival! I’m just going to casually drop 3.2 million blocks here
edit: I’ll double that, here’s 6.6 million blocks:
Been working on pet customization for a sequel to my game.
The video is a few days outdated and I added a lot more/chaged a bit, but it still shows off what I’ve been working on.
Have you ever wanted to play Minecraft Beta in Roblox? While I can’t give you that, I can give you the Beta terrain generator, reimplemented in Roblox via the new Blox survival engine:
There’s no trees or water or anything yet - I only have grass, dirt, stone and bedrock implemented for now
Of course, this isn’t going to be implemented into the actual Blox game, for what should be pretty obvious reasons, but it’s a great learning experience! I’m hugely proud of this
Working on making some smoke simulation.
This smoke uses custom physics, no parts or particle emitters are involved, just BillboardGuis.
Demo of smoke flowing out of openings
Example of smoke flowing through a destroyed building
That’s cool! Are you using voxels and raycasts?