What are you working on currently? (2019)

There’s barely any bloom lol

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Playing with abrupt velocity changes + collision detection is fun


Can I suggest something with the get up button:
Use the Wii Sports Boxing kind of thing where you gotta power through it by spam-clicking. The amount of clicking you need could be based off of how many times you’ve fallen in succession/how much current health you have.

The button is a placeholder right now, but I think a spam clicking thing could get really annoying for players on top of already having to get up

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I’ve been trying to get AI based combat to work for the past few months, with limited small scale success, but it was too resource intensive to scale up to a playable amount. finally I found success after watching a video by Michael Reeves

(mild language warning)

to quote the video, if you’re too lazy to watch:
" instead of spending actually ten thousand dollars on a computer that can handle twelve recognition streams, each leader drone is going to be responsible for trying to find a human face. When it finally does it’s gonna send signals to two of its followers drones which are then gonna follow the leader drone"

this solved the problem for me, of having a large amounts of units, all doing spotting, target acquisition, etc. was just too resource costly, but splitting groups of units into squad, with one ‘leader’ responsible for spotting, and the rest for basic combat shooting.

now i just had to create a logic flowchart for me to figure out how to code this spaghetti mess, and i was good to go.

now for some basic unit models for the time being

(they’ll be textured later)

and now, tadaaa…


I don’t know what’s more impressive, the programming that went into this, or that they survived that fall.

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Paint them green, I beg you


They’re grey because they are the unimportant men of history, no one will ever know their names or their faces, or what they fought for. They just blur into the brutal background of world history.


@GregTame What’s the soldiers like on the server? Single part or full body rigs? If the latter, then that is where a huge oof in performance goes wasted. Single object bodied NPCs are TONs more efficient then full body, and easier to replicate to the client… Downside is you have to write your own animation replication module(s).


jesus, buddy… you need to lighten up, you want a sprite cranberry?

also, they’re single parts on server, i’m going to use a basic R10 right on the client.


Laughed too hard at that and

On a serious note, how is optimization going on with these AI? @GregTame

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No, I want my coffee to blacken up like my soul.
(no i actually don’t want that lol)

And good… Humanoids or body objects for moving?


I am working on a graphical Trello API.


The horses are technically immortal
for gameplay purposes


Bit by bit.

I’ve opted to use tweenservice and PathFindingService to handle unit movement, since all the infantry are single parts, it seems to behave… ok-ish for physics constraints, so i dont have to worry about physics slowdowns, or network ownership, but i’m not sure how resource intensive tweenservice can be if you use it for everything.

visual effects are also going to be clientside, since right now all damage is just “are they in range, and is the random number right?”

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Finishing up the coasters for Roblox Point 2 release. :eyes::eyes:


I worked on it some more, then made a test:

Original board: Trello

You can interact with the board here: API Creation - Roblox
It is WIP. As of the latest edit, you can only read from the main canvas.


Working on a fusion reactor core game!


What type of fusion?

An atomic fusion reactor core.

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Been a while since I last posted something… yeesh… anywhom

heres another shot, capturing both sides of emissive light

I have yet to fully detail them :slight_smile: