What are you working on currently? (2019)

just a sword i made in the past. :smiley:

Screen Shot 2019-09-28 at 19.41.20.png


no offence,
but when I look at that, i see a bunch of cosplayers posing like they’re in a cyberpunk game.
That, or I’m about to be told the game was rigged from the start :thinking:
I figure they would, is it open source or something? How’d you get to mess around with it?

That’s a good thing now I can call my game cyberpunk simulator and get even more visits hehe

It’ll be even better once I add the emotes menu functionality :wink:

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If i can’t do The Floss i will be very disappointed.


A sneak peak of my roblox game (Development has been delayed on it), including some interesting, new spring math, that you have never seen before :wink: .


I made a cool visual effect animation, by the help of some tutorials which helped me out a lot.
I’m really happy about this one :grinning:



Been working on this new project now for a while, just got to a point where there is enough to explore to release it. Let me know what you think :slight_smile:


Working on a new main menu screen concept for Blox - here’s the main menu layouts for demo and premium versions respectively:

When I get around to actually implementing these, I plan for the Blox logo to actually be built into the world and to have the same ‘falling into place’ animation it has now, but in these concepts they’re placed on top of an isometric screenshot so you can get the basic idea of it :slightly_smiling_face:


Any plans to diverge away from the Minecraft inspiration?
It’ll seem boring if its just another lifeless Minecraft clone. Even your UI buttons are copied in design.


My friend (cyberpiper) and I have applied a snow texture to every horizontal surface in our game, to give our visitors a surprise when they visit in December (… and we have added other festive additions too.) Happy holidays!


I kinda agree with this. If it’s just a fun proof of concept that’s one thing, but for an actual game, if people want to play minecraft they’ll just go play minecraft. If you use the tech and do something unique/original with it it’d be pretty neat @Elttob

Everything is looking good so far though


a RPG, I’ve always enjoyed the idea of making a RPG (I even used to make my own small RPGs with free model RPG kits back in 2011-2012)




(it’s super smooth in game, gyazo just makes it look choppy)

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Completely agreed! I’m not looking to copy Minecraft (indeed, if I wanted that, I can always play the actual game!) but instead I’m looking to blend in a ton of new gameplay to expand upon the core survival gameplay of Minecraft to make it much more fun.

I’ve been working on the gameplay design with the community openly, and already have plans for total revamps of fundamental game mechanics. The underground will be over 3 times deeper to accommodate a revised and more challenging ore progression and refreshed monster logic. Crafting will be expanded upon hugely with specialised equipment for different classes of items, and even the most fundamental ideas about how player stats like health and hunger are being revamped, moving to a more Zelda-like system with upgrades found throughout the world. Tons of things are also either being completely replaced or removed entirely, for example enchanting, experience, bosses and so on. Blox is designed to support much more than a mere clone of Minecraft :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, I don’t want to completely depart from Minecraft in one important way; I still want the game to feel Minecraft-like and to evoke the same kinds of vibes. That’s why I’m still using pixel fonts for example (which is, by the way, my own font Voxic, not Minecraft’s!).

The game isn’t yet ready to support all of those plans, but I’m continuing to build out the engine and make optimisations so that these ideas can be enacted and executed as well as I can manage. Hope that clears some things up :slightly_smiling_face:


I built a scanner like the one in Death Stranding, the video’s a bit blury but you should be able to still see the coolness.


oligotrophic swamp!


Made another random still scene game here. They are super fun to make.


heres some vids of a moyai enemy for a game im workin on with friends


That’s cool, i was creating one too, but i think i’m going to give up, this one looks way better and i think people would consider mine as a copy

Fighter jet controls & animations looking smoooooth. Still under development! Hoping to incorporate mouse controls soon. Did a test in zero-gravity to demonstrate the effect of the controls in regular air density.



Love the feel this gives. Awesome job!

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