I put a texture on all faces of all parts, color them per the part’s color,then I slowly play an animation through all textures simultaneously, from a full white image to an empty white image, like so
All good, but wow that snowy grass stands out nicely. Could easily see sandy, muddy, or even marhsland terrain with patches of grass done this way. Good stuff.
I’m working on a simulator where you can throw eggs.
It’s literally just that, a lot of work needs to get done but I like where I’m going, I hope I can at least squeeze some money out of it.
…And I forgot to add players to my thumbnail render
Finally got a minimal version of Blox Survival, my next generation voxel game on Roblox, up and running! It runs a lot better than most voxel-y games on Roblox do, even in these early unoptimised stages, and the physics simulation switching between chunks is super smooth and natural
Do you have any screenshots or videos? It sounds like an interesting idea, but this thread is mainly for screenshots and videos. It also helps others to give you feedback that could make Club Island better
I’ve spent a lot of my time lately developing my first game and well what can I say I finally got it to a point where it’s ready to be played! There is an ingame feedback system I would be very happy to receive feedback and suggestions from you!
The game is about building a tycoon. However, in this tycoon unlike normal tycoons you can not just press buttons! In this tycoon you can place all objects freely on your construction area!
This is nothing fancy to you CFrame masters out there, but it means a lot to me; all of the skins that have moving parts in my game were CFramed by hand in the last 3 years, a real pain and not at all flexible(cant scale the size up or down). With the new system I designed, I just lay down some attachments in the tank and my script irons out the discrepancies between a meshpart/union’s appearance and its true orientation to make the tanks aim like I want them to aim. Clean and no longer a dreadful task.