What are you working on currently? (2019)

stress testing some sliders


Looks super smooth. Do you mind sharing a general explanation of how you draw those paths? Extremely impressed with that outline if they’re completely dynamic.

Rendered in realtime using ViewportFrames and a bit of math!


Im working on an adventure game, the alpha should release soon

Mother of GOD!

Lost arm, pls halp


Can not view video :confused:

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Bit late to post here, but I whipped up this interface for Pet Simulator 2:


Dont choose one of the colors, make differenta vailable themes in settings!

Air craft carrier! To be more specific, It’s actually the one in San Diego!


Programming the UI @doctr_oof is currently working on for our amazing project.

https://twitter.com/4ohm_/status/1095757437557239809 (the frame drops was the mobile recording :<)

Can’t wait to show this off when it’s done :smile:

Amd in my free time I’m also working on anotber anthromorphic character. The base mesh is about done. Only have to define elbows and knees more before im satistfied with it. Will be posting pictures of it later this month when the armor has been modeled.


basic lua polyfills: https://github.com/ClockworkSquirrel/basic-lua-polyfill

currently adds:

  • string.split(string, separator) - Split string into array, default separator is ,
  • string.urlencode(string) - URL encode a string (uses HttpService::UrlEncode
  • string.commas(number) - Adds thousandth separators to a number
  • string(val [, val1 [, val2 [, val3 [, ...]]]]) - Convert provided arguments to string (uses tostring).
  • table.join(oldtable, [table1 [, table2 [, table3 [, ...]]]]) - Returns a new table containing all the values of the given tables
  • table.assign(target, table1 [, table2 [, table3 [, ...]]]) - Overwrites the target table’s keys with the other tables values (or appends the key/value pairs if not present in the target table)
  • table.lock(table) - Locks a table to prevent changes or additions (acts like JavaScript’s const variables or Object.freeze)

This module does not overwrite existing features, so if the feature is added officially, the polyfill will step back and allow the Roblox Lua engine to handle the method.

Unlikely to update this module often, except if I need a new polyfill for a specific use, so feel free to contribute to the GitHub repo.

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What am I working on??? :man_shrugging:

That was a horrible idea…


Mobile twitter doesn’t embed, mind removing the “mobile” from “mobile.twitter” to let everyone see your awesome creation :eyes:

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This is what happens when I post before my morning coffee. :frowning:

@buildthomas thank for da edit m8.

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Oh, you mean the USS Midway?
Impressive building!

Working on a few outfits, switched back to PDN after using gimp for about a year :frowning:


why the switch?