What are you working on currently? (2019)

yeah sorry for the grammar, I’m too tired to think in another language these days :confused:
I tried ahah

Can’t change the shiny look, I have foliage meshes, I wil try :slight_smile:
Theres no possible fog, can’t do mini islands as you described it.


Pets :slight_smile:



First gun for my game


Made some wave and boat physics for my current project :smiley:


The Mediterranean Sea, soon for my upcoming project which will either be a cruise line, a boating club/race, or a hotel destination, currently not sure.


Some maps for a game called Sniper Survival my team is working on :slightly_smiling_face:


Taught myself how to uv map so now I don’t have to have a map that makes me scratch my head in wonderment lol.


I don’t usually post here at all but I’m incredibly excited about this so please share some love!

Here I’ve got exactly 200 NPCs running around at 60 fps. I’m thinking of open sourcing this system:

With this I’ll be able to really bring life to my Roblox worlds with every NPC performing daily routines, patrolling locations, etcetera.

Please show my twitter some love: https://twitter.com/LordZenkai/status/1116519267044925440


A new area for Hero Havoc in the works. Pretty simple but it turned out well I think. I’m glad I used vertex painting on the bamboos themselves.


Can I ask how you did this?

I’ve heard that removing the humanoid can increase the performance, I’m curious if that’s how you did this.

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The humanoids still exist in this version for the sake of character clothing (no idea how to get it to render without).

It took me a few tries to figure out but in the end I was able to make this in under 2 hours with the following method:

  • Server controls positioning
  • Client controls rendering
  • Level of detail at different camera distances
  • No physics (all characters are actually anchored)
  • Ray cast every few frames to determine the height off the ground
  • No collisions with other characters

Nice work! I’m trying to learn.

With HumanoidRootPart:CFrame or with Humanoid:MoveTo() or how?

By manually scripting the Walk animation to play/stop in a LocalScript?

Where can I learn more about controlling Level of detail at different camera distances?

Do you set workspace gravity to zero or change any CustomPhysicalProperties, or do you just Anchor and leave the rest at defaults?

On the server, right?

SetPartCollisionGroup or just CanCollide = false?


Besides working on a current game, I’m going to start learning more of LUA, and possibly improve my building skills even more, and hopefully release some new games over the year.

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I was staring at this for a good 4 minutes thinking “okay that’s a nice national geographic picture but where is the actual creation” :exploding_head: that’s some really high quality work!

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Woah, those are some awesome waves. I was wondering when someone would make larger waves🌊 than the water feature in the terrian editor.

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I’m guessing John doesn’t do propper unwraps still… oooof. sorry george.

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I built a book during my freetime.
(not my actual name by the way.)


Baureihe 65, German steam locomotive

More pictures


Amazing, I remember playing insert wars when I was younger with all of the admin orbs and jails and stuff was really fun

stupid stuff like this model lol

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His wraps were lack luster, but I’m actually having a lot of fun doing them, so it works out. :slight_smile:

This one turned out super good.