Im Working on Vfx
I am working on a FPS with my mate. Despite it being a Shooter, we are focusing mainly on the graphics of the game; ie. Lighting and Colors. go to this link to view the game forum! (I have attached some screenshots)
[ Please Note: These screenshots have been taken during the development of the game. Some aspects may be unfinished. ]
Animations done on the client, while the server just handles the raycasting.
I offset the bullets also depending on the client ping, for example, if the client has 100 ping(check ping on bottom right corner in game), I would offset by the amount of distance the bullet would’ve went on the client.
Every raycast is shown as a part.
Have to admit the parts do look kind of cool.
This is a placement system for my game, depending on the object, it will clamp to a position or be smooth. Each object has specific locations on where you can put them(Hey, you can put objects on objects for some objects if you wanted to!):
might I ask how u were able to make it?
I sure hope you got the free student version
Honestly very proud of the mobile UI I made for this upcoming game! Your thumbs naturally feel comfortable on most mobile devices (tablet is still a little rough).
Re-post from a private thread as I feel like the populous should see this image.
I drew @buildthomas, just for fun.
Now you’re obligated to make a plane/rocket building game
hey … is there anything new with this? such as the… y’know… posibility of it being open sourced?
jk.. unless
New NS 8800 locomotives for the game Streamlined! These were formerly known as ‘Austerity Tanks’ before the UK sent a batch over to the Netherlands where they were reclassified.
Second image shows a comparison of new and old, both models being 2 years apart!
UV inverted sphere? 30 characters
but will it be paid or free because i might want to check it out when it releases
It’s free, you should be able to take it right there from the linked plugin.
I’m currently working on 3 projects, I will explain one. I have been developing an SCP game, I’ve been using Blender more often, etc.