What are you working on currently? (2020)

I’m currently working on a lot of GFX!


Experimenting with a new hair model which is made up of planes and a straight-direction hair texture.

Test with silver hair with coloured tips (the right side is the opacity mask, this is only used in my modelling program as roblox doesn’t use opacity mask textures currently)


Now Vampire hunters graphics will rival paranormica’s. (VH3 is a way better game!)

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VH3 is just getting better and better!

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Bringing the UI to life with the little UI knowledge I have :slight_smile:


A roblox-shaped lua script which prints itself :eyes:

(doesn’t cheat by reading the script’s source)


The beam is (kind of) piecing together

Locked On:

Free Camera:


Haha, when I listened to it it sounded more like 100 bpm. I think your brain just lowers the tempo once it gets to a certain point, it just sounds more natural counting it as 100bpm. The melody is also very smooth and pleasing to listen to.

What kind of kick are you using? There’s a nice side to it! I don’t have much experience with more electronic music(I usually make orchestral) so it would be nice to learn some things from someone who does.

I’m not a builder but I would like to learn. Every now and again I throw a couple of parts together in Studio just for a change of pace - constantly programming wears me down.

Today I made some replicas of assets from a rising game called Minus Decendence. The simplistic building and success of the game (in my perspective) just inspired me to jump into Studio after a small hiatus and throw something together, unleash some of that creative energy.

In my own opinion, I think these replicas turned out well. They’re super simple models so it’s not hard to replicate but for a person like me who fusses over increments and small details, I like them.


  • Tool - Flashlight
  • Tool - Enemy Detection Tracker
  • Tool - Night Vision Goggles
  • Tool - Lifeform Scanner
  • Enemy - Eyemaster
  • Asset - Eyemaster Head

Pembroke Pines:

Currently working on a ban system with a web panel for Pembroke Pines, there’s not much done on the frontend side but a lot is done on the backend so not much I can show you with that but there is a domain already registered (https://pembrokepinesrblx.games)


Currently working on a meeting center that will then teleport everyone to a public server in Pembroke and will spawn in the DOT building and teleport them all there.

Redon Studios:

A police/fire RP game that isn’t application based and anyone can go on the teams

Redon Tech:

Redoing most of the group to focus on other groups than just RP games, along with that also redoing the entire bot. You can find more info about Redon Tech at https://redon.tech

Redon Tech and Redon Studios are connected and that’s everything I am working on right now. Got like no pictures cause most of my stuff isn’t ready to be shown off yet.

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Working on a new game, inspired off of a game I made earlier this year. Here’s my improvement, from February to now:
February 8th, 2020:

December 28th, 2020:

The main changes are that I finally found a style that I like and I improved in building. I learned how to use Blender, and I can’t wait for what 2021 holds.


It looks ok, but I would add a little more variety. You’ve also got bleeding textures.

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Just finished up my game’s new enemy model. Posting here since it’s not a substantial creation - it’s nothing at all, really, just a display of what I’ve done with my recent creative energy burst.

Enemy models from left to right: 2014, 2017, 2020.

Kept the model simple and within what I can do with my building skills (I don’t have any, I just stitched meshes together). The 2020 model is basically a combination of 2014 and 2017’s techniques lol.

Individually with colour and assembly breakdowns:

2014 Model

2017 Model

2020 Model

Creation context.

Back in 2014, Roblox had an awesome event for October called “Game Creation Competition”. It was essentially a month-long game jam with a spooky theme. I wish it returned honestly, I’d love to see the kinds of things that could be done with current technology.

I was originally going to submit a game, but I lost confidence and motivation in my craft and I wasn’t as good a developer then. With my newly found free time for pursuing my own projects, I decided to revisit it. I’m doing what I can to stick to the original vision for the game. I’ve wanted to finish it for a long time and now’s a good a time as any other to do that. This is essentially a 6-year project.

What I’m aiming for here is to create a horror game using my limited building skills and yet retain the feeling of an actually decent or well done experience that can be achieved with better skills. 6 years later I’m confident that I can take this project further than when it was initially conceived and do better on it as well. It’s just for fun, not expecting anything big out of it.

Might be able to share some map progress or gameplay when I get down to that.



Well, since yesterday, I’ve been working on a way to convert C++ ASTs from Clang to Luau code using Lua. It’s highly experimental and still a work in progress at the current moment. There are a lot more things that I need to include or improve, but, I’ve gotten a standard C++ main function converted to Luau, so that’s a start.

I’ve converted this…

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
	//Write code here...
	return 0;


local function main(argc: integer, argv: {string}): integer
	return 0

Right now I’ve been calling it CTLu, which stands for: C To Luau.

I did a test with other languages that Clang supports (C, Objective-C, Objective-C++), and I found that they work with the same conversions that I used for C++. So in reality, I should probably call it CvTLu, which stands for: C-Variants To Luau.


:hot_face: probably the best sword I ever made


The kick used was one of the Logic Pro X stock instruments that has some kind of “bounce” to it. Its wave is kinda sine-ish.


I’d consider adding more detail in the game…the menu is a bit misleading.

The grip is so textured and detailed, it looks like I can feel it! :drooling_face:

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