What are you working on currently? (2020)

Loved “Life of an Otaku” but was so disappointing when I found out the game was VERY short, but love to see your new project!

Recently made some fantasy armor. I’ve only ever made Japanese inspired armor so this is quite new to me!


Currently revamping my admin system again because I am a bit bored. Here’s a preview without icons (Will be much better if roblox have UIBlur + UI background blurring since roblox already have UI blurring for coregui)


I’ve been doing my best to find anything related to 3D Perlin Noise on the internet, but either it’s just me, or there is hardly any explanation of how it can be created. But finally I figured it out all by myself like a big boy and would like to share the solution with others. Basically, you get a 2D heightmap and place another one perpendicular to it for each of the two remaining axises. Then, we add or subtract each of their entries from the values of the corresponding row of terrain. Instead of using the final values as heights (like with 2D Perlin Noise heightmaps), you decide on a value around the middle of the limits and only generate points that surpass that value.

The end product is a very open cave system as you can see here (depending on your minimum generation value). An infinite world using this generation could be a lot of fun to explore. I might make a tutorial/resources post on 3D Perlin Noise soon, so please let me know if you already knew about it or not, or whether you use a different method for generating terrain for similar cases.


Sculpted and baked tileable wood texture for Boat Bandits, using PBR properties. Due to some recent complications, Boat Bandits has a much longer development time. We are planning on releasing once PBR has come out for public use.
Going for a stylized look similair to that of Sea of Thieves

PBR properties with ROBLOX Beta ^


That’s really cute!! :heart_eyes:


I’m working on a new animation video for my channel, and on GFX commissions that I opened yesterday on the DevForum!.

Thanks for asking! I hope everyone is doing well!


I needed high quality vegetation/foliage for my architecture scenes. So now I am having a little renaissance of making them and testing them all with this scene


I love how that map looks. I just think the low poly car doesn’t fit in with the rest of the style but great work!

We have revamped the car as it looked too similar to Jailbreak. The new cars will be much more detailed but still maintain a lowpoly form. Thank you for your input, as we have applied this change accordingly for future release :slight_smile:

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Looks great can’t wait to play it

More work on my recorder plugin

It records all visual changes in the workspace and lets you play them back so you can zoom around and capture whatever movements you want at whatever camera angle you want. Good for timelapses or getting action videos.

I’m planning on allowing forward/backwards scrubbing so it’ll literally be like a 3D youtube video of studio


Here I’m stress testing it with a bunch of flying parts. It chugs a little in the end as I gave the parts no chance to settle, but it performs pretty well while building or blowing up normal builds


Send feedback pl0x


It’s giving me lots of Mirror’s Edge vibes, nice work on that! I’ve been interested in your music for a while now

Really intriguing to listen to, good work!

Been playing around with MASH networks in Maya. MASH is intended for use in motion graphics, but it’s good for procedural modeling too.

Just some random stuff I made. Gonna make a polished version of the second one.


Working on a cherry blossom tree for Shard Seekers!

It uses my fractal foliage system so that it runs well on mobile while also allowing tiny characters like butterflies to crawl on one of potentially millions of twigs within the same tree.

Here’s a peek at what my custom tools look like:



Circus Trip 2 teaser - everything shown in here is subject to change




That’s a really good improvement!