What are you working on currently? (2020)

This is so adorable!! I absolutely love the sound effects, they fit well with the game’s style. I especially liked the little tune that plays when you get a special item. (In this case, a duck.)

I thought the Game Over screen was pretty neat too, the game reminds me of Super Mario 64 and Robot 64. (Which was inspired by Super Mario 64. :smile:)

I can’t wait for more progress updates! I am looking forward to the game’s completion.

Good luck, my dude!

It is a from prop hunt game project exactly

I am currently polishing up my skills in Blender and about to start working on a game.

Figma is a free to use online service for vector graphics. Figma lets you collaborate and make vector graphics as a team, and can also import Sketch files (for mac users). Take a look at it!

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I started messing around with destructable buildings for my shooter game. I was just destroying stuff and then i got this video
im so exited to finish this game.
(Sorry for using gyazo by the way)




I’m making an obby.

It’s still very early in development.

I do have a couple ideas up my sleeve to keep this from being another unremarkable obby with nothing new to offer.

If you haven’t picked it up yet, it is endless. I’m working on making something like, “Photoshop filters”, that’ll make the platforming sections have much more variance when they’re generated. And of course make more obstacles that aren’t platforming or lava jumps.


I calculate minimum 50 types of procedural obbies (Currently you have 2 if i am not wrong) would make this game a really good one.
Additionally, each 10 generated obbies would be all different types of and never the same type form one of another

Your goal is much much more amazing than you can imagine here!


I’m working on these games: every cafe experience ever - Roblox Let's make this the most disliked game on Roblox - Roblox Game with 21 badges (of mega) - Roblox Closed - Roblox. Some people have played the cafe one, something that’s funny is, someone is pretending to be me and claiming that they made the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWs-ZVbMfIw. I have a few things to say about this:

  1. I don’t make YouTube videos
  2. I don’t use mobile to play Roblox
  3. I don’t have safe chat
  4. If I did make that video then I would’ve put the game link in the description

That some really good hard surface modeling! Any recommended addons (Blender yes)? I feel an underlying function to everything I’m looking at, even though I know little about the M19.

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Yeah, it’s blender. As for addons, I use booltool (Blender default, you can enable it) a lot, but it’s sort of just a way to make the whole boolean workflow faster. If you are in the market for addons though, Boxcutter is definitely a worthy investment. Also UVPackMaster is great!

Finishing up my map based off japan :smiley:


Just completed my import module, which makes requiring module code a breeze!

local Roact = import "ReplicatedStorage/Roact"

import { "Button", "TextInput" } :from "ReplicatedStorage/RoactProject/Components"

Roact.createElement(Button, {...}, {...})

Me getting killed by a spider doe


I’ve been improving my GFXs.
I’ve been working on trying to make better GFXs.


Newer GFX

This may not be a build, script, or game, but I’m trying to improve in art design basically.


Had time to model this good ol’ plane!


Uncopylocked the VR game that I was working on and was posting about here, for many reasons: Uncopylocked VR game with physics

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I already know you don’t have safe chat because I’m pretty sure you can’t sign in to the devforums if your account is <13

Blender in Roblox