It doesn’t look too great as of right now, but recently I’ve been working on a little oil plant for my experience.
Knuckleball shot free kick
Small sign for my cafe comm
stronger Versions for fun
Just released a new UI library!
Fighting game:
srry idk why video keep glitched
New update:
The tree looks very unnatural. The trunk has no rotational variance and the tiny twigs on the side should not be holding up all of those leaves.
Do you think I should add more branches or make them thicker?
To answer your question specifically, thicker outside branches and remove the trunk/center branch after the split. Make additional splits to bring branches back to the center.
This example is obviously too detailed for Roblox (24k triangles, Blender add-on sapling tree generator). The point is all those new branches want somewhere to grow, so they squeeze out a middle branch.
This tree reminds me of Lumber Tycoon 2. It’s certainly as low poly as you can go. unless you have a game need for that low poly, I might recommend going up to at least a hexagonal branch, with smaller, and more leaf groups.
Wow, that looks great keep it up
2D animation… in Roblox.
EDIT: whoops, forgot to post “proof” of it actually being made in roblox
this is really just an extra video of me testing the rig
Add more branches with more branches that branch off (lotta branches) and make them thicker. I think gapfilling the blocks to make it look connected would look nice.
The land of shadows showcase…
(There is more to it, but that stuff is unfinished and moved under the map)
(probably) everything new
+more camera polishing
+kill zones (placeholders right now dont take the current zones seriously)
+death effects and sounds
+smooth respawn sounds, transition and respawn trail vfx (respawn trail also changes to player color which is shown in the UI at the bottom)
+offscreen UI finished (shows player in viewport)
+UI smoothly lerps to player position off screen and arrow points to position off screen
offscreen UI also works with dummies but i didnt finish that part yet so its not shown in this video
also if a sound cuts off or didnt play that just means it didnt load in/was delayed so dw about that
I recently started seriously learning to script, so that’s basically that is what I’m working on. I don’t have any games done, so I can’t show anything… but my goal is to change that.
A new update for my fighting game:
- Removed RaycastHitbox and replace with my own hitbox
Only take:
- 2 script (one server, one local)
- - too lazy to merge 2 script - -
3 remote event (for 3 hitbox)
3 hitbox (my sword is 3 hitbox)
Planning to add effect (hardest part ig)
Now imagine if you made a portal gun. That’d be awesome. Love the detail on this one though!