That’s awesome! It reminds me of the game Teardown.
I’ve made this I guess…
Infinite Cave Terrain!
I wrote a longer post about it here, and you can check the demo out for yourself, but I figured I’d share a few screenshots in this thread:
This castle thingy based off a video game map . I’m not usually devoted to building one game but this was fun!
That reminds me of black site zeta
Working on a place to showcase all of my flood escape 2 tanks I made. Anything here looks empty, but I will give it a try to fill up!
Not a big fan of this lighting I did. I don’t really like it.
Intro cinematic I made for my dark fantasy action RPG
you need a space after the aswell at 0:50.
Correction:As well
A lobby for @FxllenCode’s game.
Portfolio: Crazed | Mid Poly Builder For Hire - Collaboration / Portfolios - DevForum | Roblox
That looks pretty good to be honest!
This is a Sextic-Bezier curve, meaning that there are 6 points that determines how the line is drawn, took around 9 hours because I have never worked with Beziers and draggers before so I ran into problems 24/7.
Insanely big thanks to @Sentross for helping me solve some math problems for… 5 hours
currently working on a ACS map (as training map) and a Belgian Army Academy (Basically a Rescue team of the Belgian Navy Called Koksijde Rescue)
A belgian F-16
Belgian Sea king (skinning it)
And the Belgian Navy flag
I’m working on learning scripting
God those build animations are so satisfying haha
great work