What are you working on currently? (2021)

i have really bad carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists so i haven’t been getting much done. here’s my progress i’ve made over the past few days on an old map project


New Castle, (not finished)


Roverse is working :smiley:

New friends system, reworked UI, bug fixes, etc…


Construction stuff.


Idk what to do with this yet but I made it

Will people just enjoy a game where you go around and destroy things?


Random tree generation. It has the chance to spawn with no leaves at all, some leaves are randomly colored lighter and the model itself is randomly rotated.

Fun fact, the only thing that makes the script slow isn’t from moving and editing hundreds of trees per second, its the output.

3,000th reply. :wink:


Gee, I wonder how many replies will be in this before the end of the year, maybe around 11k O_O

Anyway here is a teaser trailer for a project I’m making because I am too bored to work on other games. Game will be pretty cool. (and good)

Gameplay teaser soon? idk, when im done.


Hello everyone! I am working on brandon’s admin Version 3 - Roblox . This admin has a total of 207 admin commands, with a working
warning system (;warn, ;checkwarn, ;delwarn)
and ban storage system. (;ban, ;unban, ;pban, ;unpban, ;idban, ;unidban)

This admin does not have any virus or loopholes and unlike other free model admin such as khols and adonis, it does not give the admin creator owner admin ingame. This admin is safe and dynamic. You can add and configure group rank admin which automatically give players admin commands if they reach a certain group rank.

Besides that, the warning system is VERY useful for military and hotel roleplay games. The ban storage system is stable and powerful, which has near 0 errors. This admin will cater toward all needs of yours and make your fabulous game even better!

After looking at the video: definitely.

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Made an entire 3D software renderer… Runs on a single thread.

Uses a depth buffer and backface culling + very basic frustum culling.

Pretty unintuitive to make a 3d renderer in an already 3d game engine but I mainly just did this for fun. Wanted to see how well luau would perform, considering I’m not even taking advantage of threads.


Definitely want to test it out

well a horror character

but you can see how that turned out.

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Warehouse Showcase

So, I’m currently working on a Skatepark / Warehouse game with some friends of mine for my (clothing) group, it USED to just be a homestore in a Warehouse setting, but now I’m trying to make it into an actual game. Here is a little showcase of our progress so far.


I have an addiction to random generation. Anyways every 0.5 seconds it randomly generates a group of plants.

Takes ~0.02 seconds to generate. It used to be ~0.5 but part caching is a performance saver. It takes under 3 minutes to script your own cache.

For my barrel and tree generator posts that I made earlier, I’m going to add instance caching to those as well.

To add on, I only need to generate once per 5 minutes (per map in my game).


That’s really pretty, I like that.

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I’ll be adding more flower/plant types soon. I had a lot more but they didn’t really blend into the grass so I canned them.


Roblox needs to fix beams blending in with atmosphere :frowning:


Oh that’s cool, I just color in boxes and put pictures on them, or put pictures on screen for a UI

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You can make this model spawn in random parts of the map.


I’ll add DaBaby in like 30 years or so. Won’t be a baby anymore though.

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You never know, could be a growth deficiency

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