What are you working on currently? (2021)

sounds like garage band. i’ve heard that instrument before in there

Just gonna leave this here:

I thought I was viewing reference images.

Another update to my software renderer. Added affine texture mapping and also tried implementing a PS1 dither shader (it’s a little wonky).

This is still running on a single thread, doesn’t use parallel code.


I was not inspired by anything from him, since I hardly play Arsenal, and I never played that map that you are showing me

Drift Engine [WIP]

Coming soon…


After one and a half months this is my blender progress (I have never used 3d software or anything similar before)


I did this for a school project on a device that can produce water this was after 2 weeks of learning

DT Global Citizen Competition (back no water)|453x500


I am making a Sonic Game called Sonic Plus+ I have the link in roblox here if you wanna check it out.


The game isn’t fully finished yet I am still working on it but I needed more help, and I am stuck on this problem CFrame Gravity Control.

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currently trying to make snakeman from one piece
all of this is only 9k tris :rice_ball:
if anyone got any tips on how to make the haki part tell me please because im suffering from not begin able to do it


I see those Blender Guru Tutorials… :wink:
This is good, you’re learning the fundamentals, but it’s also good to step off of “Tutorial Island” and start making some projects of your own. Hope to see some cool stuff from you!

Ye i feel like everyone starts from him, also i am making something that isn’t from tutorial island here it is!!!


It will happen. One day they will be making boring old chess pieces, then something happens… they never follow the tutorial again… We’ve all been there.




You’re insane!! That’s beautiful

Ever thought of building something anime style based?

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I never thought about it, but I wouldn’t be so encouraged to do it

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Why not? I think it would be a fun experience if you’re interested. Oh and by the way the build above is so insane! Keep it up man.

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Are you basing it on venice(the place)? It looks awesome

Right now I’m modeling the next piece in my professional portfolio; its a Beretta M92FS. The high poly is almost complete and I’m trying to get it at least 95% accurate to the real thing as possible. Its only missing the magazine & some accessories on the slide at the moment!


I’ve created the UIs and scripts needed for them to turn out the way they are, for my personal project!


i usually work layer-by-layer but this island was screaming at me to finish it all the way, lol

i’m also nearly done with the second layer. excited for this since the third layer onwards is when progress really starts being made

maybe one day i’ll actually publicise what this map is supposed to be. one day, or at least until someone figures it out themselves.

not really much going on as far as my other builds, but there was another apartment that i posted here and ended up giving up on entirely. then i started another apartment, re-started twice and then gave up on that as well. map project is my main focus for rn