edit: this is the 750th post? nice
edit2: it looks like something changed and now it is not : (
edit3: it is now the 740th. goals.
edit4: dethroned! it is now the 738th. literally the apocalypse.
edit5: where are all those posts going!?!?! this is loony!
Very interesting to take this game into multiplayer, best way I think would be to introduce co-op missions, even if it’s minimal interactions between players, just knowing someone is there with you makes the experience even better.
Currently working on some form of…Armor?
First real time using blender except some donut stuff which I stopped because grab hated me.
Basically, just sculpted a shape, decided to make it into armor.
Gonna post new stuff on it when I do.
Also, any tips when grab stops working
Working on a new showcase model again! This time it’s the NS 6300 class steam locomotive, a heavy freight locomotive. More images on this Twitter post!