What are you working on currently? (2021)

I’ve decided that, instead of making an entire 2D engine specifically for my game, I should make a more general-purpose 2D engine.

So far, everything seems to be going well.

game menu




How do you even do these builds? Everyone says just look at inspiration, but where do you get it, how do you interpret it? And how do you plan it, and how do you know how to create needed shapes and know different ideas and how to put them into parts?

Besides my questions, great build, I always expect the best from you and @Crazedbrick1

(Edit: Weird how I was typing this as you were just active lol.)


Some Progress on my third build :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks great. a bit too blurry, and perhaps the sun rays are too sharp and intense. Also, the neon is a bit blurry/too strong. Besides those notes, looks great for your third build!


It will sound weird and simple but …
I’ll be honest, I just use my imagination in my head, and just that, but if that doesn’t work, I go to Google for images


Places like Pinterest and Deviant Art.

We look at it, and we try to replicate it at the best of our ability.

I get some paper and I draw and write down all the ideas I have.

I analyze the reference, and I think about how I can make the asset with the current parts Roblox provides you. Going outside and analyzing your surroundings helps as well.


I wish I could do that. I can write great stories, and use my imagination to draw cool things, but I just am always dumbstruck when thinking of ideas, and putting them into builds. (Also, how do you get over the feeling of being dumb and not being capable?)

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My family has always been “optimistic” that is why I am also optimistic when it comes to building, and not feeling “useless”


Kind of a cookie-cutter answer, but I get it. (Btw, mind DMing posts/pics of your best builds so far, I haven’t been caught up with your stuff much and wanna see what you have been up to.)


A highway overhead sign I made

ok fixed it


Huh okay. I guess my biggest holdback is being pessimistic, I used to be able to build decent stuff but got pessimistic when I saw other people’s builds and slowly just stopped building. Any tips on getting out of builder blocks and, when you rarely get jealous, unmotivated, or pessimistic, how do you stop and get out of it?

Looks great, very detailed yet simple and elegant, great job. Only one suggestion is to make the green look as it’d stay on the metal plate, bolts, or even braces or smth.

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I’m exactly the same, but instead of giving up, I use the denotivation to motivate myself. :grin:

It’s still the Mellow Abode lol

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Please consider this as my advice, don’t let jealousy corrupt you, instead use it as inspiration when you feel like your work is not good enough, instead it will help you get better and better until you are of the best ones, always focus on your development path, take breaks, interact with the family, always stay positive about yourself, negative thoughts bring bad things :wink:


At the end of the day you will always know that you will succeed if you dedicate Effort and Dedication
I hope it helps you friend! GOOD LUCK!!


So you see a build and get jealous, but then use it to inspire you? I try to do that but I think that I’ll end up just copying it if I use it as inspiration.

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