What are you working on currently? (2022)

woah love these on how detailed and realistic they are the one second one looks like its bone and flesh

no no @BlockyHead2006 its amazing just I dont think its ok for roblox but thats my opinion

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Yeah. Kinda disgusting if you ask me.

Hello, fellow decent human beings of waywoc! (Need to work on that introduction a bit, if you have a better introduction, tell me and you can get your name on this random internet post that most people ignore!.){I promoted that well, I should work in marketing!}

I saw the attention waywoc and the community as a whole has been getting recently, but it doesn’t always expand to the best parts of the platform~ That’s why, you’re reading this, and you’re about to play “Swipe!”

What is “Swipe”? It’s an ‘experience’ created by warpflights, promoted as a “Roblox Tinder”. It was made because the Roblox ‘recommended’ isn’t very much recommended as it is ‘popular’, so Swipe was born! Based on your previous likes, it’s algorithm will give you other games you might like!

About and Controls

Works a lot like the app with the fire icon.

This project is actively in development, to try it out, become a member in the Swipe Project group.

[Swipe Right] - Arrow Right / D / B Button / DPAD Right
[Swipe Left] - Arrow Left / A / X Button / DPAD Left
[Play] - Arrow Up / W / A Button / DPAD Up
[Next Picture] - E / R1 Button
[Previous Picture] - Q / L1 Button
[Toggle Description] - Space / Y Button

Promotional Images

Demonstration Videos (Gameplay)

Swipe is currently in Public Alpha, play here!

you must join the group first to play.

Again, Swipe was created entirely by warpflights.

my talentless self only wrote this post and did the graphic design


Just installed the Atmos plugin so here’s the first cinematic shot of this project in a while… I’d highly recommend Atmos to anyone, I’m really stingy with my Robux but it was a good buy.


In other news, I’m stuck again in the internal battle between having a good idea for a build and not wanting to actually make it because I really don’t like building anymore. I’ll commission someone to make a clone of me so they can do the work and I don’t have to suffer :slight_smile:


Already finished most of this car. :happy1:


Well, I would be completely honest and say “possibly adding pearls to a bubble tea cup” or “trying to fix animation issues in my experience” but those are boring, so I’ll just talk about what I did yesterday.

Project Magical Mary has (maybe) the most customizable drinks in any Roblox game! This dispenser allows the player to change their drink’s material, “extra layer”, name (not shown, but a limited list with player’s usernames and display names), and colors!

Not only is the drink itself able to be changed, but so is the cup it’s in. The three parts of any cup can be set to any color and made transparent. Here’s a screenshot from the first successfully recolored cup:

It’s probably not that important, but hey, every Roblox game experience needs its own special feature, and this is my experience’s.


Assorted Assets. Not the best of my work but that is because they are going to be small items in the game anyways.



It’s awesome! I like the details in it. Definitely better than what I can do.


How did you do this? any suggestion?



worked on two fictional roblox story thumbnails!


Currently working on my next big project: Silent Treatment
L4D2-type game recreated in Roblox, Feedback is appreciated! :smiley:
The map you see here is a sneak peak at the 1st Campaign, which is Dead City


The Cerulean Grotto

and the Butterfly Watcher.

Thanks for looking!


We got to get her running up to 88 miles per hour.


Its nothing complex. Just lights and rotated balls
I tried it myself and got the same result.


Ooh! I believe I’ve seen you in the HiddenDevs server, Keep it up!

Looks a lot like A_Squaredanimation’s work! I love the creativity :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!


I have to say this is a really unique and cool game. I already found some interesting games that I never heard of.

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working on my city

Captura de pantalla 2021-08-27 195044


Currently trying to figure out if there’s anything I need to add to my game’s framework before I start working on… well, the actual game. Since the game’s somewhat unconventional, that might be… interesting.

I’ve also recently discovered CanvasDraw, and I’d like to start doing stuff with that.


Planning to create a large scale neighbourhood, I’ve made only the first building so far :pensive: