Starting yesterday, I felt the need to add PBR maps to a model that I imported into Project Magical Mary. I actually haven’t shown it in this topic (but have on the game’s social media accounts), but it’s yet another drink container, the SIPFusions pouch, inspired by Sims 4’s plasma pack (mainly its cute bendy straw). My pouch has a way cuter and more detailed design “printed” on it and is a smoother mesh than EA’s blocky model. (Unlike the Mary’s restaurant cup with its 5k polygons dedicated to its lid alone, this pouch is way better optimized than it.)
Before the recent edits, it looked pretty basic; It didn’t look like a flimsy bag, and the only SurfaceAppearance use was to give the yellow straw white stripes (so the straw could be given random colors):
Now, look at how it looks
now, with its new normal, roughness, and metallic maps!
Well, now it actually looks like a pouch! Not only does it look baggy, but it also has received other details, like how the main logo looks very shiny, and glittery when viewed up close!
Also, the seals now use PBR to appear shiny and vaguely like foil(?). This is better than the fake “shine” that it had before (though you can’t see it in the first picture because the straw is blocking it.)

Now I just have to hope that all of the new texture maps get approved; I seem to have good luck with asset approval, but I still think of the horror stories I’ve heard on these forums.
Anyways, what do you think about the pouch’s new PBR maps?