What are you working on currently? (2022)

Hi everyone

I’m a complete beginner with scripting but my current project’s wip name is “Model: The Style of Drama”.

It will be a doll-like drama-based quest game with high customization in both creating a character (with custom layered clothing if possible) and creating a space for your character.

this is a big venture for me since i am only experienced in art concepts, building, modelling and music, but definitely not with scripting and game design which i’d say are the main things that make a game a game…


For once Im actually getting tons of work done! Heres the finished product of the previous building I posted and a new one I started yesterday, let me know your thoughts if you have any!

ToolShop (Samuel H. Samson’s):

TradingPost [WIP] (Owner TBD)


As of now I’m making a server-sided compiler for a logic game with various inputs and outputs. Will update with the results

When’s Waywoc2023 coming out???


Got no idea, might as well make this that post for now atleast :wink:


Starting yesterday, I felt the need to add PBR maps to a model that I imported into Project Magical Mary. I actually haven’t shown it in this topic (but have on the game’s social media accounts), but it’s yet another drink container, the SIPFusions pouch, inspired by Sims 4’s plasma pack (mainly its cute bendy straw). My pouch has a way cuter and more detailed design “printed” on it and is a smoother mesh than EA’s blocky model. (Unlike the Mary’s restaurant cup with its 5k polygons dedicated to its lid alone, this pouch is way better optimized than it.)

Before the recent edits, it looked pretty basic; It didn’t look like a flimsy bag, and the only SurfaceAppearance use was to give the yellow straw white stripes (so the straw could be given random colors):

Now, look at how it looks now, with its new normal, roughness, and metallic maps!

Well, now it actually looks like a pouch! Not only does it look baggy, but it also has received other details, like how the main logo looks very shiny, and glittery when viewed up close!

Also, the seals now use PBR to appear shiny and vaguely like foil(?). This is better than the fake “shine” that it had before (though you can’t see it in the first picture because the straw is blocking it.)
Now I just have to hope that all of the new texture maps get approved; I seem to have good luck with asset approval, but I still think of the horror stories I’ve heard on these forums.

Anyways, what do you think about the pouch’s new PBR maps?


The detail on that pouch is incredible/

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I did the thing.



Ive been building like crazy lately for my first project!
Heres an outline of a cafe / hotel of sorts for the town,
“People all across town swear by this place after a hard days work”

The Gray bits are placeholders for items such as a staircase etc.


How is there no waywoc 2023 yet


forgot the license plate but here’s a subaru legacy


OMG, Incredible!!! Have you finished that project now?

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More updates on my castle.
Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 3.55.20 PM

Where Is waywoc 2023?


Here is a cafe style hotel building for my little project. This is the continuation from my previous outline post. Ill probably slow down the posts as to not reveal too much.
Please let me know if I should change anything.


Current WIP:


I know I’m like five days late, but Happy New Year! :tada::partying_face:

I’ve started working on my first game, an extremely ambitious single-player story game. I don’t have much content to share, but I’ll give you some info.

The story is mainly focused on R6, R15 and Rthro characters.
It will have a mission menu where players can select and choose different main quests, side quests and other types of missions. Some of these may affect the story.

That’s all! I wish everyone another great year of development!

looks really nice, reminds me of a old western town

Apolgoies for the late response,
I actually got some inspiration from the architecture from the wild west a sort of underrated gem game on the platform if you havent heard of it. Recommend checking it out!

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yeah ik what is it but it reminded me of these buildings in read dead redemption 2


nevermind back to mesh cars

the highway looks dope at night somehow


I’m currently working on an obby game but i want some elements of the game to be different from other obby games, any ideas to better improve this game.