What are you working on currently?

Hope this will help you! :yarn:

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I just finished this script:

Lately, I have been learning how to program. (P.S. THESE ARE NOT MY FULL CAPABILITIES! It’s that I am too busy to create something complex, I like to just relax after a long day and go read the Roblox documentation and learn a bit more stuff…)

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I just copied Drive World’s sound visualizer as a way to practice my coding/UI design skills

You can access the place here:

Sorry for bad English in that place, I will fix it tomorrow.


Is this using TweenServices, just asking?

This dissolve effect I made with EditableImage.

Works with any MeshPart as long as it has a texture and a SurfaceAppearance (I was planning on automatically inserting one if there are none but sadly scripts cannot edit SurfaceAppearances). Some meshes with weird UVs, such as the doughnut in the video, also looks very weird.

It gets laggy with only a few objects but I am using a laptop from 2014 so I don’t know the performance on more modern computers.


It’s time to add another drink container to Project Magical Mary’s lineup, the juice box. It’s somewhat redundant with another disposable snack, the pouch, but I think it would be a fun novelty to add a good variety of these cups and similar things to my experience. Magical Mary’s universe was meant to use more rounded containers, Juice Cylinders, but plain juice boxes aren’t much worse.

Though it’s using a placeholder texture, here’s what it looks like in Blender at the moment. The straw isn’t in the back-right corner like most juice boxes, instead being centered like one juice box I’ve seen. I think centering the straw makes the juice box cuter for some reason! Here’s how it looks in Blender now; Please ignore the placeholder texture.

Although it may look like it’s using the pouch’s bendy straw, this mesh is actually new, though I don’t know if it looks any better than the old one. One idea I’m thinking of is making the straw briefly tilt and swing around with movement using SmartBone 2. Though real juice box straws tend to spin around, this could make this item look cuter. Here’s a closeup of the top of the straw:

Another thing that makes the juice box different from the pouch is that it has a wrapper with a straw inside attached to its backside. My straw isn’t as flexible as its real counterpart, so it’s taller than the box itself, but…whatever. Here’s my first 3D straw wrapper:

Here’s the model’s wireframe with all of its main parts visible. I think I did a good job keeping its polygon count down; It almost feels like a reminder to redo the Mary’s medium restaurant cup, simplifying that multi-thousand triangle lid mesh.

:beverage_box:How many :star:stars would you give this model?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

As of May 1st, this juice box mesh has been finalized and imported onto my baseplate! I don’t know how to make my straw work with SmartBone, but the model overall looks good in Roblox’s engine. This is what it looks like:


Yes, it is TweenService, not really the sound bars though, just the rest of the UI.

In reply to that, here’s 2 more pictures, I forgot to put them on there as well.


Hello, I am currently working on a sci-fi game and would like some feedback for some knights I made for it.

The lighting is the default baseplate lighting on shadowmap.


That look’s awesome, did you make the knights on Blender? Also, this is my opinion but I feel like it could look even more awesome if you changed the lighting settings to Future.


Finished 11 waves of enemies on the first map, now i need to make more enemies to fill up the waves for the next map. Zibblexorp weeble gnarp (sorry for bad video quality)


I recently recreated the genius bar [the guy in the middle is named John], It is based on this image below

anyways this is made for an animation, I still did not start commisions yet


I have been making good progress for my game heavily inspired by Dragon’s Dogma, Monster Hunter (and a tiny bit of dark souls as well as shadow of the colossus here and there).

Here is the climbing system that I have made, you can even stand on top of enemies. It’s not done yet but it was a really difficult task and I’m proud of how things look like.


Another new tram for my game ÖPNV-Simulator.


They were made on Blender. The main game will probably be in future lighting.

Might not be something big, but i am working on another maze generator that connects rooms and opens doors to the rooms that are near it.


I have this ship editor and shipyard in my game. One of my favorite creations. Looking for feedback


just updating my ancient antivirus plugin; before, it was just using string patterns. now its actually doing token stuff. just needs some testing before i launch it

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I noticed that the stats are somewhat using the narrower vertical space than the much more spacious horizontal space below the viewport, you could reposition some of the ship’s stats or make use of the space (maybe some icons would help make it fit horizontally)

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It isn’t really current, but I wanted to show these screenshots of the juice box in Roblox Studio. You’ve already seen the yellow one, but I didn’t pick the best camera angles to show its “wings”! @rafa902O15 included them in his concept art, and they were brought into 3D as a cute decoration. I don’t know if they were worth it, as the wings (on both straw meshes) add an extra ~2k triangles to the model! :huh:

I sort of regretted messing up the mesh’s decent polygon count, so I also imported a version (the purple-pinkish juice box) of the straw without those wings, which only uses 1.2k triangles! I feel that some experiences could use juice boxes, so I made it a “resource” (not a topic, though)! It’s UV-mapped, so you can export and make textures for it.

Of course, I didn’t just make another disposable drink container that could be used interchangeably with the pouch. It’s hard to see when I “carry” it around, but I found a cool use for SmartBone 2; The bendy straw reacts to any motions, cutely bouncing and wobbling as the juice box it’s stuck in moves. :blush: In this video, I made a script that makes the juice box “fly around”, demonstrating its straw’s interesting physics… :coefficients: (If I return to the pouch, I really should try to make it work with SmartBone…)