What are you working on currently? (2022)

coastal area


oh yeah I didn’t know about that lol

messing around with normals


Just finished v1.0 of my game, Super Fun Mega Easy Obby. It is kind of a way to secure funding for sponsorships and ads, as I am currently working on an RPG yet to be named.

Game Link:(Super Fun Mega Easy Obby - Roblox)

The thumbnail has not been approved yet by moderators, so do not expect a game thumbnail.

Hope you enjoy!

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a submarine exploration game, took some inspiration from Iron Lung minus the horror

the terrain is procedurally generated via perlin noise (but it still uses voxels)

(heavily compressed video)

I plan on implementing a sonar system in the future where you navigate based on plotted points (similar to lidar in gmod)
also obviously the atmosphere still needs a lot of work, should get darker and foggier the deeper you go


Are those all meshes? That seems like it would be very performance heavy, and even with optimization, mobile players might have issues

Yes they are, and I do not see any performance implications (even when running around at 300 sps and loading in new terrain)

mind you that 2.5k part count is well below average for most Roblox games


Impressive. It’s a pretty cool concept and I like the execution. Good luck on the project!

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Some props for the collaborative WIP cyberpunk map courtesy of SkyNymph.



The map’s tallest mountain so far at a whopping 2.66 studs tall. :sunny:


A library of icons I have been slowly building up for practice and future plugins.


After many rework of combat prototype i have made around few month ago i have changed from turn base to real time combat (which i am glad i did)

(Alternate link not available at the moment sorry if main streamable link is down)


That looks so cool! and did i hear a touhou sound effect/???

I am working on a tornado survival game, which hopefully gets big TORNADO SURVIVAL - Roblox

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looks really great so far, a single detail i recommend is changing the eyes, they don’t fit for the style of the game for some reason, they look too big and weird, my honest option, the UI looks great, simple, that’s the spirit, mechanics clean, and systems looks nice

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This was a lovely event we had few days ago, @424s , you’re gonna love this one.
My team and I are currently working on a new venue but I wanted to show this all to you.

Credits to NorTV (Robloxian Television) for recording and taking screenshots of the event.

If anyone wants to watch the full event, and share some feedback, here it is.

Show contains material that can trigger seizures for photosensitive epilepsy viewers
Viewer discretion is advised, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

(It’s a 2 hour video, don’t need to watch the entire of it, unless you love festivals.)

Feedback is appreciated, and yes there are lots of parts in this video that contains lag or roblox ruining beam rendering making particles and beams appear buggy/glitchy or don’t turn on/off at all (thanks again roblox still not fixed to this day). :confused:


Outfits for NPC’s for a game im working on


How are you so good?? This is amazing! 10/10

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thanx :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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