What are you working on currently? (2022)

I’m currently making a freerunning game, which is parkour but with more flips (frontflips, corks, backflips, gainers, etc).
Heres a video:
robloxapp-20221024-1717276.wmv (3.1 MB)

Game Link (WIP): (2) Biscuity Freerun System - Roblox


Found a way to optimize the new version of terrain. Other than halving the precision (the distance I put between the nodes in the terrain plugin), I manually go over flat areas and just put standard parts there to cover them. The amount of parts for each of these samples was the same as the old terrain, if not less.

Also apparent in this screenshot is a more intricate texture/colour palette than before. Whereas before it was just water and grass with a few extra materials for decorations, I’ve also added snow, dry ground, and high-altitude rock.

Here’s some ground-level shots with the (still placeholder) tree models…



Am bored again I had an idea of a house building game with curved walls.

First I took some formula from the quadratic bezier curve then used some resizing method. a


oh ye I forgot. I also plan to add polygons to my game.


Considering working with canvas libraries again.

Why do I do these things to myself…

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Working on this for a while now!


looks insane but it runs at a constant 60fps… unless you’re playtesting in studio, which in this case that’s what i am doing (studio is very laggy for some reason)


A better idea is to add a toggleable gore setting that is off by default, and warning players when they join the game. Games like RedBox 2 have more intense gore than this, but just have that simple setting that is off by default.

That’s a good looking vending machine. This is another reason that emissive textures should be available with MaterialService, or in textures, to have more complex lighting for meshes.


dmca incoming… /s


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As far as I know, only you has put so much effort and time into making something this large and impressive!

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How did you…

take my “the person who is wearing this has too much talent” award, you deserve it.

because this is too good and dosen’t look like roblox

Very cool! Your builds have improved a lot (which is saying something since they already looked fantastic) and I’m excited to see how this project goes!

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Happy fall! Working on features for my game, Da Brickz. Read the full devlog here:


This is for posting pictures and clips of your game or project, not for talking about it.

Shall I delete it? I’ll posting my game picture later

Here’s a heavy WIP for a game I’m devving!

It’s a heavily worn and rusted pickaxe designed with elements inspired from a real-life 19th century mining pickaxe!

I have an unrusted version too, but I thought it would be cooler to show the wear and tear here.
