There may already be a plugin for this, but boy would I love if this was made into a plugin. Great work.
There may already be a plugin for this, but boy would I love if this was made into a plugin. Great work.
I’ve started working on my game’s title screen.
It’s not much, but at least I have something worth screenshotting now.
congrats on your first devex, look at that irl robux!!
Here’s my Talent Hub Creator Page, it has all the stuff I already made and will make:
These are all the things I have modeled so far.
I feel like the game is bound to blow up, just add more thumbnails, advertisement, maybe even a video and a cool game icon, then voila! A Front-Page game!
The few issues I’ve found with this game is that when you punch, you’re able to see the end of your arms:
Another is that if you click this icon, it’ll hide UI.
I know it’s intentional but it took me a while to figure out that L unhides UI so a note/hint under when you hover over it would be great.
Also you should add a few movement mechanics like maybe sliding, jumping over obstacles, etc.
In the shop you should also add Death/Kill Effects, and maybe exclusive weapons that cost Robux. There could also be throwing effects like what you throw has a trail or a fire effect or something
Also how come your stats are under your cursor?
I’d say maybe put it in the bottom right corner of the screen and maybe enlargen it too for better gameplay.
I’ve also noticed you’re not able to block when you’re holding objects, idk if that’s intentional but it’d be a nice feature to block especially when you’re in combat.
Overall I really like the game and I’d love to see it on the front page so that I can play it with more people, 8.4/10!
Thank you so much for the feedback!! I was just about to advertise it but I’ll get most of those suggestions done before that, now that I see it.
In another topic here, I’ve shared a screenshot of a piano roll UI, but it wasn’t complete enough (in terms of scripting) to show how it works in this topic.
As of now, it’s ready to show to the DevForum! I know I’ve said that custom drinks were my experience’s unique feature, but I don’t think most people have as much of an interest in cute disposable restaurant cups as I do, so this is its second unique feature, multiple playable musical instruments! Check out this video of the three instrument samples that I’ve imported:
Alright, cool, cool, your experience has instruments, but so does Royale High, Roblox Got Talent, and probably others. What’s so special about this?
Well, unknown theoretical person questioning me, my musical instruments are already better than those (probably), especially the former experience you mentioned!
That piano has multiple issues:
Project Magical Mary’s custom instrument script was actually made by me purely so I could prove that it is possible to make a latency-free, cleaner-sounding piano on Roblox.
When you press a key, an event is generated, processed locally, and sent to the server at the same time, which gives the musician an instant response. On the server, light validation is done to make sure the request’s “performer” is the activator, they’re sitting on the MusicSeat (instrument) they’re trying to control, and that the sound object exists on the server, allowing it only if all of those are true.
Also, each player has a limit on how many events they can send to the server, which is reset every 3 seconds. If a player exceeds it, they’re kicked, making it harder for an exploiter to spam notes without being kicked or noticed by another player since they have to be on the seat.
A unique part of my instruments is that they support proper sustaining! As long as you hold a key, the note continues, only stopping if the current “sub-sample” ends or if you release that keyboard key, which sends another signal to the playing note to tween to silence.
I’ve written a lot of text for showing nothing, so I’ll finish here, but I’m proud of what I’ve programmed recently. I really should consider releasing this in #resources:community-resources or something so other experiences could use it too.
A horror game. I’m unfortunately currently in burnout but I’m currently attempting making music for it.
This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve seen on this year’s WAYWOC thread. Good work!
Nice! I would make a scene that fits your game and change that font (if needed) to match the scene, I would also add some music to set the mood. Here is one I made.
Definitely an original idea, I hope to keep up with the progress!
Wow, very realistic! I definitely look forward to jumping into Roblox aerospace/aeronautics at some point also!
Feeling bored so decided to show my friend @murjarquitecto some love and take some screenshots in some of his games! Enjoy :))
Thank you; I’m pretty proud of my instrument script, so I wanted to go in depth about how it worked and what made it seemingly better than Royale High’s piano.
There’s definitely more features I could add to it, so expect one last update before I consider releasing this as a resource.