I would be using 64*64 sprites, so it would be pretty easy to fit all the frames I would need in it (256 frames available.) Also, use this for a full game!
Relaxing piece i made a few days ago. Enjoy
Second Attempt at ELS, 2018 Dodge Ram 1500 SSV (Special Services Vehicle/Version)
(Audio is for uploading it to my social media)
Made a katana from the one piece anime
The blades a bit lazy but i was hitting the tri limit so.
Original post about it:
Upgraded the Cel Shading technique so sunlight doesn’t coat everything in white and blind you.
Indoor shading is also greatly improved as surfaces now retain color when they are lit.
Game link here:
Here’s a video showing off the previous cel shading lighting if you wanted to see more of how it used to look like:
How are you so talented? Wow, I love your work! Keep on going! You’re doing great Crazed!
Wow. That’s stunning. Looks very realistic and atmospheric
ohh thank you so much!! i’ve been wanting to compose stuff for a while but i haven’t been able to find a good program that has more than just loops. i’ll give it a try and see if i can make it work, tysm
DANG you took 1 week to get that good? I’ve been modeling for a few months (not every day, just on occasion) and my models look trash still. Good job man.
also, I haven’t really watched tutorials or actually studied blender too much so that may be why my models suck
was this done by offsetting a texture?
It’s done by offsetting an ImageLabel, actually. I was going to use a texture, but it was just way too blurry, with no way to change how it’s resampled. ImageLabel does have that however, so I went with it instead.
working on some gun scripting (using fastcast)
(flashing lights warning for second clip, also the second map isn’t mine)
Just started working on a lobby for a Hide And Seek type game that I have in mind
It’s very basic at the moment but it will (hopefully) start coming together soon
More DropHills
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