What are you working on currently? (2023)

I feel like the neck is a bit off to be honest, maybe try increasing the diameter of the cylinder you used? Doesn’t have the same ‘flow’ that you have with the other joints.

Other than that, good work :+1:

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UGC character

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I love that rig, it is so detailed! I just finished a rig yesterday for my game (it still needs hair and accessories) but take a look:

I tried catching them blinking, but it lasts 0.3 seconds. (I made them blink because normal faces would not work.) I am planning to add more but still, your rig is super detailed and looks amazing.


turned based Strat country building game


Me and my studio are making a single player open-world action adventure game set within Ancient Scandinavia. We’re excited to develop our first project!


Thank you! Your character looks pretty unique, almost like they’re rocks! Did you make your own character model in case Roblox makes those policy updates in the future like I did, or just for fun?


I love the reflections and the fog, looks amazing!

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I’m continuing to work on Guardians: Battle Arena.

Since my last post…

Completed the interactive menu system

Added further characters (now at 17)

Revamped all the in-game icons

As well as:

  • updated the sound system to allow for music to change on different events
  • started using packages to allow for easy updating of 5v5 and single-player experience

Hi, I am working on deus and daus. Deus (lat.the god (here: devloper exploit user security) will be a very powerful, unique anticheat (with 4 main modules (not scripts)(and moderations)). The first version is expected to be visible on
October 26, 2023

Daus (ger. Throw of two eyes in the dice game; card corresponding to the ace in the German card game (here: Devloper and user security) Will include deus, a password system, an advertising system, an overview system and much more.

For reasons of idea theft I will not yet give out more detailed information about the modules (and screenshots).

Parts given values of reflectance greater than 1 or less than 0 gives some pretty trippy effects, so I’m guessing its a combo of that with a space skybox as well as some particles

How’d you get the reflections so crisp?? Is this with a shader mod or did you do some insane trickery to pull it off?

Trying to find a good shot for the main thumbnail. I’m quite happy with the motion of this, but background, logo and framing needs a bit more work.


I think that he just duplicated everything, rotated it, and put it underneath the semi-tranparent floor. Because you can’t see the player there in img 3.

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Headless horseman, not textured yet.

Headless Horseman


Well i am not working on something right one. I am new to this platform but i am planning to work on a project alone like try to learn how to script and stuff. But other than that i wont be able to work on new games this year maybe next year.

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finished song

UGC Hat concept (texture isnt final)


Very inefficient raycasting (modified gun holes)


Okay, I made my avatar a bit cooler and had another go at the thumbnail. Not sure if it will hook people up, but I personally like this one a lot.