What are you working on currently? (2023)

[Food model] Homemade Matcha Swiss Roll!:yum:


It looks very good! I would eat it
(If you need ideas maybe next time you can make pasta with green pesto :yum:)


Thank you! that’s sounds great, I like pasta too😋

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we do a little petitioning :flushed:


I’m fed up with Roblox animations, so I’m currently working on my own animation system that includes keyframe customizability.

The only thing it’s missing is an intuitive editor, but I’m using it for an FPS system I’m making.

I mainly did this due to the new animation bug that was recently fixed, but also because of the fact that animations are online and require to be downloaded. I don’t like the library, and I’d prefer to store all my keyframes without having to download them separately.

Although it is very unintuitive to edit these animations, I’m planning on making an editor for them. Once that’s done, I’ll make it a plugin and release it as open source (though I’m only planning to if I decide to make an editor).

I’ll need to also implement animation blending and weights, which I’m imagining are a pain to do as I’d need to create another object equivalent to what Roblox uses (an AnimationController) to control multiple animations at the same time and blend them.


I am currently working alongside @Scripter_Rickster in order to redesign and refresh Sr. Admin. Which has alot of potential. So far I have made quite alot of the UI and the only thing that I am struggling on is importing it. Here is the current UI For Sr.Admin v2:

Open To View

If you wish to find out more about Sr.Admin v2 then please check out this post for future updates towards the project:

Planned Release Date (10 April - 15 April) depending on how fast I can replicate the UI in studio. (Designed with https://figma.com) Completely original designs.

v1.5 == v2.

It’s the UI v2 but the actual version is 1.5


Just sort of a project to help me learn how to 3D model better; it can also be used for my portfolio.


I’ve finally changed the art-style for my game Train Wars to a more cartoony and stylized style to better ressemble the comic book style I was looking in the promotional art!

Along with the new style for the game, I made a new icon too with the same intention of giving it more personality!

New icon:

New art-style:


Working on my custom grass system

A while back I made a grass system but was pretty buggy and not super performant so I decided to redo it. I’m still working on it but I wanted to share some cool screenshots of it

Here’s a visual of the checks it does to decide where grass can spawn:

With grass meshes:

Color variation using perlin noise:

Sloped ground

The spawn points are baked upon loading into the game so It doesn’t do any raycasting in real time


I’ve almost finished my custom grass system

Today, I added a render distance and pooling to my grass system

Sorry for the poor quality, I had to compress the video:

Here’s some screenshots:


Back again with a new weapon :happy2:


made springtrap


Scopophobia Logo

Is a game I’ve been in the works with, for a few weeks now. I’ve mostly been designing idea’s and features for the game, while building on the main map. This will be a horror.

The game name, means “The Fear Of Being Watched”… So you can probably guess what the game’s going to be about. This will NOT be anything like the original scopophobia, from Roblox. This will be better.

Do you think the logo is nice?

  • It’s nice.
  • It’s not terrible.
  • It sucks.

0 voters

As a croc sock wearer, I can confirm that we are pelted with rotten tomatoes every time we cross the street.

Is this going to be like a pls donate kind of game, something like pls petition or something?


Yeah pretty much, just doing it for fun

The three chairs

Portfolio: https://kristinaportfolio.carrd.co/


Where do I sign? :smirk:

Also great job dude looks real clean and simple :wink:



Little Italy (Libertyville Downtown) :it: :city_sunset:


I am working on AI that fight with guns. There are currently Ai that sit on cannons, and ones that walk to enemies. My favorite part however is the customization. You can choose if the Ai walk to the nearest enemy, or the closest one they can see.