What are you working on currently? (2023)



These 2 guys


Land of wano commision


How did you make those EPIC trees, I know they were made in blender but I’ve tried to make these type of trees, I think there called Ghibli but whenever I follow a tutorial my blender lags out since there are so many parts…how did you accomplish this?

Also any way if you did use blender I could get the leaf pdf you used? I found a way to accomplish the tree but can’t find any leaves that work.



Can I also beta test? This looks very cool!

Took a few months off this project but heres a few things added to the facility, some stuff is still WIP.


Model of the Day 26
Clothing Shelf
Notices: Model of the Day is doubling in frequency, there will be a Model 27A in 12 hours
By KristinaMoment

Portfolio: https://kristinaportfolio.carrd.co/



Door pack for my upcoming SCPF.


My attempt at realistic water. Considering adding some more so I can open it as a showcase.


How did you manage to do that?!?!?!
It’s just great! It looks so realistic along with all the ambience!


made in like an hour, that vehicle is also mine


Using Shapecasts to make a Performant Rain System

Most other rain systems VS this rain system

In most rain systems, to get the distance the raindrop has to travel a ray would be casted for every raindrop individually. Since we now have shapecasts, I made a rain system which splits rain into chunks and shapecasts to get the distance to travel for that chunk.

The con to this is that the collisions are less accurate.

Wouldn't this look weird?

To me, the answer is no. Unless you are looking for it, you can’t really tell the difference unless you make the chunk size super large. You can decide this in the video below but I personally wouldn’t notice it normally.

Isn't this a bit overkill?

I don’t think so, there are already some good rain system out there which perform pretty well, but most use “sheet” images, where they have multiple raindrops within one image.

If you wanted to have no sheet images and super dense rain like this, in most rain systems there would be noticeable lag especially on mobile devices because of the amount of raycasts.

Here’s and image to visualize what the collisions looks like:

Here’s a video of it in action:

Sorry for the poor quality, I had to compress the video.

(at 0:37 I toggle the visualization on)

As of now my code is pretty messy and I would say this is just a rough draft. I want to hear your thoughts on this and in the future I might complete this and make it into a community resource.

Thanks for reading!


is each raindrop a part with a particle?

I imagine the drops come from parts with particle emitters which are positioned with shapecasts.

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life simulator game like urbis where you start off from a shed in a small farm and work your way not to be the richest human being but being able to have a stable enough to afford stuff like bills, car maintenance etc. and it will be just as hard yet fun as in real life to make money and do whatever you want

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Model of the day 27A
Entrance doors


Yup, besides that the parts with the particle emitters aren’t moved, the particle emmiter’s lifetimes are changed.

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Particles… always just particles. :stuck_out_tongue:


It all looks amazing so far! Hopefully, it’ll be finished soon.

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