What are you working on currently? (2023)

Me and my team (Catsolex Studios) are working on v2.0 (aka the New Universe, or the Trading Update) of Find the Faces! It will include trading, a completely new map, a special map for private servers (which will be on our own private server system, not the Roblox one), new faces, “skins” of faces, and much more!


The most important project that I am working on is something called “Connected Servers”.

To give an explanation in a nutshell to what it is.

On the left we have the player he is all alone because the game is single player but with Connected Servers next to the left the player can see their friend(s) (Red Player), but they are AI Bots instead and every move their real friends make the AI Bot will replicate.

Does this give benefits?

Absolutely yes, when you are in a single player and let’s say you use an exploit that gives you a cool minigun you can shoot out of but there’s nobody in the server only you basically meaning that you cannot ruin other players experience.

The AI Bots will only appear if you have a friend or friends not random players so you cannot see a possible exploiter flying around this gives you total freedom.

There are some disadvantages like lost engagement time and not earning Robux, and most importantly not an integrated Mouse Input system for it but I will most likely make one.

So Connected Servers can technically be classified as an anti-cheat.

Connected Servers will likely be released in February 10-13th this year to the public and be available to everyone!

More news on this soon.

(Do note that friends being required is subject to change and may be removed before being released.)


Are you abusing MessagingService?

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I am actually using DataStoreService for this.


Wouldn’t you just get rate limited by too many requests be sent/fetched? I don’t understand why using a data saving singleton was ever an option.

I am changing a value based on the Player’s position so I don’t think it would get rate limited.

Still, I suggest not abusing DSS for this purpose. It looks like you are limited to 70 set and get requests per minute. Players could be move so fast that they would get in queue and the other server would not update for a few seconds.

This has already been done in the past and has been considered abuse, so please rethink what you are doing.


yes THANK YOU we need more nostalgia inspired games. i am currently making a game inspired by club penguin, webkinz, etc. i think yours looks better


yo what this is hot. love the San Francisco House and the coffee shop


I’m just working on a game called “Random Royale,” (which you cannot steal for a name) and it’s basically my version of Item Asylum. I’m currently working on adding gamemodes like TDM or King of da hill. (sadly I’m stuck on TDM for some reason, as I can’t get kills while on a team, will fix it tho.)

Hope it get’s popular.


I’m currently Designing my future portfolio website


Whenever you make a change it counts for the rate limit. You could save 70 per second, which isn’t too bad all things considered. The real problem would probably be update times, since the datastore information can actually take a decent amount of time to update for all of the servers.

You don’t need multiple servers for this, you can just do it in a single server and implement a custom replication system. (Basically what you described but with remote events and make the server ignore all other replication/have the client not replicate.)

Either way though, this is just as exploitable as regular Roblox, besides that you limit Roblox to only positional changes. On one server I could just move my player, have that saved to the datatstore, then have that replicate across the servers.

How about implementing voice-acting for the characters? Or, rather, using some kind of AI speech synthesis website?
(SUGGESTION: ElevenLabs)

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Oh, yes. Nothing says “professional” quite like the outfit your character is wearing!

That’s a joke.


Same thing, different year for the most part: Unintentional Mobility
It’s a game about abusing unique glitches that are found in certain transport type gears in order to overcome obstacles that were made with the glitches in mind (and to have fun). Here are a few games that showcase this all in action:

My plans for now is to work on making the instructions look more presentable (still not putting it in the game because making/updating gui instructions is a nightmare for me), work on a new map (1st picture related) that’ll be greatly borrowing it’s looks from a Titanfall 2 level and maybe actually work on that Studville rip-off map (2nd picture related) that is over a year old and still not finished. Maybe this will be the year that my game concept will no longer be just an underground thing only a few people know about (not holding my breath for I’ve been at it since 2017)

Oh and then there’s this crappost build that I’ve been neglecting too.

Links to the games discussed if interested:
Unintentional Mobility: (1) Unintentional Mobility - Roblox
The roman crappost build: crappost build (w.i.p) - Roblox


I’m working on a town evolution game and I have to say its going pretty well, I hope to get datasaves of the towns working and functioning wars between two towns soon as well.

I hope the game to be mostly watching the npcs not actually building as they will be hopefully self reliant at the later stage.


first year is a total fresh start
here’s some kamikaze i did today


Thank you I will address these issues firmly before I release Connected Servers!


Yeah, I cannot probably fix this.

I will however try to add a rate limiter, so it doesn’t abuse DataStoreService. (Basically, meaning the player’s replication is delayed a bit.)

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on how someone can actually see my game. the only way for that is to spend money and the game dies off really fast even if you do


I decided to go back to one of my other games and it was mainly to try and improve the guis.






I also made a voting GUI.