What are you working on currently? (2023)

Medieval Wars : Conquest
Showcase video:

Game Link Medieval Wars : Conquest [BETA] - Roblox
This is my personal project guys. I’m the only developer. Game is currently in its final form , it’s released , ready to play. It’s a round and round battle game , with 2 teams . You start and pick your weapon from the weapon racks , then go battle with your team against other team.
I made the skills very balanced so every player can enjoy this and show their abilities.
Currently there are 3 weapon type : sword , staff and bow . They all have different skills. I am planning to add more weapon types like dagger , axe , 2h sword etc.
There is also nice bots behaving just like a opponent player . Bots are there only for filling the empty spaces in match map.You will see only real players if the server get’s full during matchmaking.
The game is not pay to win!
Game is like counter strike or pubg , based on player’s skills.
I’m willing to hear your advices and opinions . Show me if you see any bug . Tell me what could be improved . Tell me if there are anything players may not like . Please play and enjoy .


it’s made with roblox’s terrain generation and tools.


I’m currently improving my builds and trying to make some games


The door awaits…

I am making a Classic Roblox Horror Game (Nyctophobia) where you have to hide from Dark a black figure trying to find you, but a fun little twist is that they are invisible till they attack but your heart will beat when they are close.

If you get attacked by Dark 3 times you will get downed and you will have 30 seconds till you either die or someone revives you (you will be left with 60% health) but if you get downed again you will die.

Inspired by Flee The Facility

Stay tuned for more news!


It might look like Pet Simulator X’s UI style. It has the tilted header text at the upper left corner and the blue tilted rectangles around all of the corners.


I personally find beveled cube pets a bit overused in simulators (though I do have to give one credit if it includes pretty original pets instead of the standard set).

It looks like the cat and dog are grey and brown like I’ve noticed they usually are. I’ve wondered this for a while so I’ll ask, are they usually colored that way just because Pet Simulator/Pet Simulator X did it?



I’m not a UI designer by any means but I am currently working on a little game. I think this is the only thing worthy of mentioning (apart from no icons, ill do them later on)


I’ve started noticing how iffy that trees tend to look in Roblox games (specifically low-poly ones), so I mainly looked at the trees here. Overall, I think these are better than the average ones.

Additionally, I like how there’s a texture/material on these trees, instead of unnatural smooth plastic! I’ve tried using materials on low poly trees and it makes them look better.

🌳Oak(?) tree

I like your original take on the leaves on the…main tree, hexagons. That kind of tree is the one that tends to look the worst to me in low poly with the weird “blob” of leaves, but your hexagon pattern makes it clear they’re meant to be the tree’s canopy. Speaking of that tree, I like how from the second screenshot’s camera angle, it reminds me of Animal Crossing games.

🌲Pine tree

The flat shading works well with the texture. Also, there’s two variants.

🌴Palm tree

The fronds have good rounded edges on them.

I know, I’m probably cluttering up this topic and should actually post anything that I’m working on, but I’m not making anything at the moment. I’ll stop reacting to earlier posts until I do…


I am creating a tower defense game.
Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 1.46.55 PM


Working away one building at a time… at random. ADHD is both a blessing and a curse.


Hey everybody! New year, new me…??

I dont like that saying because I’ve stayed the same for the most part, besides what I’m working on, by a lot.
Last year, I was working on a building system.

I’ve improved a lot since then, mainly because I’ve actually taken the time.


is now this:

It’s far from done atm (version 3), but I continue to work on it most every day and inch closer. I also have over 20 plugins I plan on making it.

Besides that, I’ve been up to improving my general Python and Lua skills, because Lua can only take me so far. Including an invnetory system, live events, and more. The last time I tried making a live event, it flopped infront of 2000 players, so I really need to improve myself on :grimacing:


Is this an available plugin of some sort? It’s like a master panel sort of thing


Well, half.

Yes, it’s available, but only v2. v3 is still in development.

You can still get the live v2, and the public beta of v3.

Right now, the plugins I will showcase in the post (advanced ban pro, live announce, etc) are all unavailable because the plugin API in the v3b1 (version 3 beta 1) isn’t the same that these plugins use. When I can manage to get widgets up, I’ll publish beta 2 and put it in testing. I’ve already deployed the plugins to large games at scale and they’re all holding up well, so I cant wait to get it out to the public :slight_smile:
It’s still quite rough as of right now lol


What do you mean by


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I made a live event and didn’t test it very well, and it took 4 live attempts to work, and was very buggy. Crashed a few times too

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Noooo, that’s sad, hope you are gonna be able to create some good ones!


My showcase «Abandoned Factory» started in 2020, posted it in last year’s WAYWOC, but I am still working on it currently.

Images - Abandoned Factory

There’s also «Forbidden Zone», which is a companion place to «Abandoned Factory», Not as much work is being done there though.

Images - Forbidden Zone

I can’t believe how popular Abandoned Factory has become, with hundreds of visits per week ever since I’ve remade the map, it’s my first place to hit 4k visits and not even a month after, 5k visits!

This is a small feat compared to other games, but as a showcase developer, that’s quite an explosion!


I have now got back into building environments. Currently now in the process of adding onto a small scene i made (shown below) into a full on map.

I have also discovered a new style i like which involves mixing triangle terrain with low poly stuff.


I am almost done with my game! I got the first monster complete, the next one will require light to avoid.


This looks great! I would love to see it as an actual game