What are you working on currently?

Play DT: Rework on ROBLOX & test out the server sided pathfinding! It is public for now just for testing- You can now see other player’s units on the map in game. They will show up as green for now- more customization, with flags under their unit model and etc, in the future! Don’t click too far for a destination or the distance for your unit will be too much!

More nation events, possibly historical ones for specific nations (not sure yet on keeping it historical- or set in future), actual international trading with other nations, and a resource system instead of the test one I have now are my main focuses on the next update which will come in the next week.

My next focus after that will be to make every single button functional in the country menus like the economy & government window, updating labels as they change to show you your balance, expenses, etc. Half of that is done. After that, I will implement a national focus system for every country, along with a research system that provides bonuses to the player. It will be in Alpha then!


I’m making a 2D platformer similar to Celeste:


found a way to get lens flares working in roblox.


this isnt viable as it prevents transparent objects and decals from rendering properly in roblox and it captures the specular of objects behind it (something that is obviously NOT supposed to happen) but hey it looks pretty

EDIT: btw excuse the poor presentation. i just happened to stumble across this so i recorded a quick video


Color question: Left (lighter colors, wood roof) or right (darker colors, metal roof)?


The colors on the right give me that nostalgic Chuck E. Cheese feel! Plus the color would give the map life, instead of that white on the left! Cheers

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Hello there, I am now working on the second edition of my admin panel Nebula Infinity, I have posted some concept designs here.

The thing is, the colors on the left come from an actual old Chuck. E. Cheese.


Latest Studio build…


Working on a game about building a home/base, creating traps around it to protect a cash generator that other players can raid to make money. The art style is inspired by more classic games like Lumber Tycoon 2 and Work at a Pizza Place.

I plan to add other ways of making money, with features such as mining for crystals, fishing, selling wood and others.

I already made most of the map, most furniture (lots are pulled from the suburb template) and traps.
I’ve already coded some items like turrets, and I plan to use a wiring system, in which players need to link an activator (Levers, buttons, plates) to traps. I still have a lot to work on, but I believe it’s coming along nicely.


another in-engine lens flare test

still havent fixed the duplicate flare issue


More trams for my game.





Well I am revisiting old games I didnt finish. I am trying to gain back the motivation.
Right now, im learning modelling and VFX since my games look bad.
I have an idea for my next solo project and am planning on working on it next week.
Ive already worked on 6 projects this year and quit 5 of them so I need motivation lol

I really want to expand my games and maybe work with a team on them.

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reverse decimation

not sure how this happened

4368 attachments


I’m currently working on a game based off of SCP lore but in its own unique canon, a bit too much to go into but its basically an scp site but with some twists. I can’t code or build that well so it’ll be a long journey.

What I’m most proud of currently is the menu. The visuals aren’t much, but creating this taught me a lot about GUIs and scripting. This team select was the main focus of my work. Each team corresponds to a group, and the buttons only appear if you’re at a certain rank threshold. I can’t find any bugs so far after debugging as much as I could, but I’m sure some will appear eventually

Although the control room is ugly and the chamber looks generic and bland, I’m still happy with how this turned out. There are two gates, one of them will be the test subjects while the other is for the anomaly currently selected. In this site, the main purpose of testing will be to find uses for the anomalies, especially combative ones. Each testing chamber can select and acquire anomalies to use, and the anomalies themselves move to the chamber (think of the Cabin in the Woods elevators). I plan on eventually adding the ability for the researcher (or tactician) to control the environment, such as temperature, objects, cover, lights, etc. The “LOCKED” monitor is a way to prevent people from accessing the levers unless they are authorized, though it currently serves no purpose.

Currently, these are my main goals:

  1. A train/tram system to connect all sections of the site.
  2. An authorization system based on wrist monitors. I want to add a lot of functionality to these, but a clearance system and custom interactions are my highest priority.
  3. An injury system.
  4. I also want to add a custom inventory system, though I’m still planning on how this site will work fully.

Overall, while what I made is boring, I personally take pride in it as it’s the most work I’ve put into any project thus far.


Marvel Spiderman the map
which is New York City

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Im working on slippy maps in roblox my flight simulator AeroX 2024

I started this project in December 2023 inspired by Widgeon AirX 2020

so far I have airport generation, road/building generation and terrain with satelite generation just have to fix a few bugs and combine them

And thanks to @trymyroblox and @Widgeon for playing such a big part in this project


Looks so sick!! Can’t wait for the full release of your project fam!

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my bf got me back to roblox