What do we have to do for you to not need CMDUtil?

Hey Guys,

I’m starting to investigate long-standing issues with Draggers and our Move Tools and would like some feedback. The fact that most Builders believe that it’s 100% required to have a custom plugin installed in Studio in order to feel like you can be a competent builder isn’t really an acceptable state of things. Precise movement is such a basic thing that you shouldn’t need to circumvent native systems in order to get a satisfactory result.

I already have a big list of things we want to revisit, but we would like to give you a chance to provide input. Please try to be concise with your suggestions. If you condense your requests to bullet-point style posts with a few sentences I would be able to parse through your comments quicker. If you feel like the issue cannot be expressed in a short few sentences then write what you need, we aren’t Twitter.

Anyway, a list of issues I know we need to tackle are this:
[li]Rotation without displacement[/li]
[li]Model Scaling[/li]
[li]Model Rotation[/li]
[li]Move Tool Grid Drag snap behavior[/li]


BTW you should check out these that I just made:

What you can accomplish with them:

Building in seconds a Fort with a look that would otherwise be quite tricky to get:


Building a boat hull (Almost impossible to do well before, but with the two tools only took 10 minutes):

And also, this plugin if you haven’t seen it:
Stravant - EdgeAlign
Which is a dragger tool that focuses on lining up the edges of parts.

One of the features that CMDUtil has is the ability to set how many studs you want something to move when you use movement handles or how many studs it changes in size when you resize it. I’ve always felt that it was a useful feature and that’s something I’d like to see in ROBLOX’s tool set

Custom movement/resize/rotation increments, please!

I guess this is a better/shorter way of saying what I just said so; yes please, this.

EDIT: I also feel that more powerful model manipulation tools would be useful.

Pivot a selection around a face or edge or vertex of a part

custom Increments was the big one for me, Select Edge is a very cool and handy feature, and resizing all selected parts is also rather important to me. I think everything else has pretty much been added in some way or another.

In my opinion the most important thing would be to focus more heavily on “edges” as a concept that studio tools care about than they do currently (where currently they do not care at all).

A lot of the time when building you spend piles and piles of time tediously and manually lining up the edges of things whose edges you want lined up, which is a task that the current studio tools give absolutely no help for. It’s also a pretty hard task to build a plugin for, because it’s hard to both have a nice interface for it that lets the user be specific, but at the same time have that interface not be really complicated to use. I’m not aware of any outside of the EdgeAlign one I made earlier and the other two that I just made.

If the studio tools did let you do things such as select and edge, and rotate around that edge, or let you drag an edge onto another edge to get them lined up, it would improve building a lot.

The ability to choose to Copy+Paste bricks on top of or inside the bricks selected.

Ctrl + D will duplicate the selection without changing the position. c:

Ctrl + D will duplicate the selection without changing the position. c:[/quote]
Does that still work? I’ve not been able to use it for some time now…

edit: APPARENTLY it does work, that’s new, for a while it wouldn’t work.

What Stravant said is pretty solid - one of the biggest issues I still have with Studio is lining up certain bricks. Having a better way to detect edges (and, as many have said, custom scaling) would be excellent.

Also, resizing multiple things synonymously is huge for me.


Ctrl + D will duplicate the selection without changing the position. c:[/quote]
If Collisions are off, yes. If they’re on, it’ll spawn on top of the base part.

The native draggers and stuff just lag the hell out of me.

[li]Arbitrary grid[/li]
[li]Snap bricks to world grid[/li]
[li]Snap bricks to local grid (grid is local to some brick)[/li]
[li]Snap size of bricks[/li]
[li]Move tool modes:[ul]
[li]World: Move entire selection on world axis[/li]
[li]Local: Move entire selection in relation to some brick (e.g. first/last selection)[/li]
[li]Each: Move each selection individually[/li]
[li]Rotate tool modes:[ul]
[li]Group: Rotate entire selection around center of selection[/li]
[li]Local: Rotate entire selection in relation to some brick[/li]
[li]Each: Rotate each selection individually[/li]
[li]Resize multiple bricks at once[/li]
[li]Resize tool modes:[ul]
[li]Each: Resize each selection individually[/li]
[li]Oriented: For bricks oriented to 90 degrees of each other, resize them as if they had the same orientation. e.g.

[li]Centered: Resize without modifying position[/li]
[li]Proportional: Resize all axes at once[ul]
[li]Scaling could be an operation of resizing the entire selection proportionally.[/li]

[li]Non-destructive resizing (doesn't modify FormFactor; remembers original size) e.g.




More stuff (some of which was mentioned already):
[li]Display amount of change while operating on bricks[/li]
[li]Enable/disable dragging[/li]
[li]Scoped selection (e.g. double-click a model to select objects only in that model)[/li]
[li]Hover-based selection (see CmdUtl’s Selector tool)[/li]

Wait a minute here. I’ve never seen that functionality in your gif, in any tool or plugin. Unless you are updating cmdutl again? Or unless I missed it. O_o

Edit: Oh, you cheated. Changing the top and side surfaces and then using the old cmdutl code. Please make this a thing though O:

“Oriented: For bricks oriented to 90 degrees of each other, resize them as if they had the same orientation. e.g.”

I like all the other points, but I’m not sure this should be the default behavior. It would be a bit confusing when you go to do it with a wedge involved, and suddenly it doesn’t work anymore because the wedge cannot be resized on that axis.

Local part axis movement is a must-have. The L shortcut seems to have been removed.

Definitely not default behavior. In fact, it seems specialized enough to simply be a plugin. I just remember thinking about it often while writing and using CmdUtl’s resizer.

I cheated. Think about it.

It’s [tt]Ctrl+L[/tt] now.

I don’t think anyone said this, but I always used to find it useful to be able to snap models to the grid using whatever part in the model it was being grabbed by.

[quote] I don’t think anyone said this, but I always used to find it useful to be able to snap models to the grid using whatever part in the model it was being grabbed by. [/quote]Oh, definitely this please.

Too many times I’ve grabbed a model and had it shift off the grid in some weird unforeseeable way.