What do we have to do for you to not need CMDUtil?

A no-move clone, Advanced Circles, Pivot, First, Snap, an easy 3.0-like API, the Terraingle prototype (Which is my old self-only-usable version of terraingle), the Anchored Animation editor that I made, the ability to deselect an object but still keep the handles up (Which is why I use 3.0 and not 5.0 besides the fact that the API is wonderful)

Edit: And we cannot forget slope, midpoint, and Center resizing!

You are never going to stop me from using CMDUtl. It will never get as good as 3.0. :swag:

Also, a big reason why plugins are much better, and why I prefer 3.0 over 5.0, is that the GUI was right there, and I didn’t have to browse through millions of icons on the toolbar. The buttons for CmdUtl were always ridiculously easy to go through, and in 3.0, it didn’t auto-hide, it didn’t require any buttons to open.

Decreased clunkiness would be nice.

SelectEdge (pivoting a rotation off of an edge/vert)
Toggling Off Selection Boxes (It’s difficult to align something when the selectionbox is in the way)
Resizing/moving/rotation by custom grid size



[quote=“Defaultio”] I don’t think anyone said this, but I always used to find it useful to be able to snap models to the grid using whatever part in the model it was being grabbed by. [quote]

[li]Fixed resize (Resizes based on the center point of the part)[/li]
[li][strike]CFrame resize (Resizes through parts, don’t know what this is called)[/strike](Already have this)[/li]
[li]CFrame edit GUI, for more precise CFraming (Or just make the .CFrame property visible)[/li]

The thing I think most people want in every tool is
custom snap lengths
world/local coordinate selector
to have the basic build tools in an always-accessable position at the top left of the screen.

What I think most people want in a model dragger is
for it to be FAST. If you have a thousand parts, it shouldn’t lag.

The thing that I think most people would definitely want in a rotate tool is
to be able to select a model, then select an axis of rotation by clicking on one of the edges of a part, and then be able to rotate precicely about that axis.

With building I’m kinda forced to use Classic Studio because Studio 2013 begins running at less than 10 frames per second in less than 3 minutes of building.

Not only that, but inputs are delayed anywhere between 1 and 5 seconds (Or don’t register at all)

Even things like moving the camera with the mouse or WASD keys get delayed.

I don’t know why this is happening, it only seems to be happening to me, but this is a large reason why Studio 2013 is unusable. Also it’s more comfortable to work with the old handles (They felt like they had larger grab areas), and having the ability to snap parts AND models to the coordinate plane was amazing for any games built ground up using Symmetrical FormFactor.

Also the ability to move/ resize multiple parts on their own axis. So if you have a generated circle, you could change the width/ diameter of it on a whim.

I’ve never used a plugin to build…So…Honestly I don’t know what the problem is.

[quote] With building I’m kinda forced to use Classic Studio because Studio 2013 begins running at less than 10 frames per second in less than 3 minutes of building.

Not only that, but inputs are delayed anywhere between 1 and 5 seconds (Or don’t register at all)

Even things like moving the camera with the mouse or WASD keys get delayed.

I don’t know why this is happening, it only seems to be happening to me, but this is a large reason why Studio 2013 is unusable. Also it’s more comfortable to work with the old handles (They felt like they had larger grab areas), and having the ability to snap parts AND models to the coordinate plane was amazing for any games built ground up using Symmetrical FormFactor.

Also the ability to move/ resize multiple parts on their own axis. So if you have a generated circle, you could change the width/ diameter of it on a whim. [/quote]

I’ve had the same issues, and I always figured that my computer just sucked. In my game RDR (link in my signature) I have a relatively small building as the world, and my Studio tends to lag in the ways you mentioned when moving around.

I find that pointing my camera towards the sky or opening a script stops the lag. If I have my camera in the middle of the building and it’s lagging, I open and close a script and that sometimes fixes it. If I start moving around, though, the lag returns.

It’s like when a part is inside your field of view, your computer starts to render it and continues to do so even when it goes off-screen. When you open and close a script, it stops rendering all bricks and only resumes rendering them when they re-enter your field of view.

Unsure if that’s what is really going on, but you get the idea.

Also, I don’t lag in online games with maps this size, just Studio. I guess because online you don’t render everything all the time.

[quote] With building I’m kinda forced to use Classic Studio because Studio 2013 begins running at less than 10 frames per second in less than 3 minutes of building.

Not only that, but inputs are delayed anywhere between 1 and 5 seconds (Or don’t register at all)

Even things like moving the camera with the mouse or WASD keys get delayed.

I don’t know why this is happening, it only seems to be happening to me, but this is a large reason why Studio 2013 is unusable. Also it’s more comfortable to work with the old handles (They felt like they had larger grab areas), and having the ability to snap parts AND models to the coordinate plane was amazing for any games built ground up using Symmetrical FormFactor.

Also the ability to move/ resize multiple parts on their own axis. So if you have a generated circle, you could change the width/ diameter of it on a whim. [/quote]

I’ve had the same issues, and I always figured that my computer just sucked. In my game RDR (link in my signature) I have a relatively small building as the world, and my Studio tends to lag in the ways you mentioned when moving around.

I find that pointing my camera towards the sky or opening a script stops the lag. If I have my camera in the middle of the building and it’s lagging, I open and close a script and that sometimes fixes it. If I start moving around, though, the lag returns.

It’s like when a part is inside your field of view, your computer starts to render it and continues to do so even when it goes off-screen. When you open and close a script, it stops rendering all bricks and only resumes rendering them when they re-enter your field of view.

Unsure if that’s what is really going on, but you get the idea.

Also, I don’t lag in online games with maps this size, just Studio. I guess because online you don’t render everything all the time.[/quote]

Oh, so this wasn’t just me?

Yeah, I get tons of lag in studio, after a while of building, until I point my camera towards the sky.

It’s really annoying.

I script, I NEVER build. If this was added I would probably actually start building.

Sorry if these have been posted.

  • Custom increment (0, INF) of all tools (Move, Resize, Rotate).
  • Display of current/last increment/action (“Moved: 40”) or (“Rotated: 15”) either on the screen somewhere, next to the mouse or on a toolbar where the tools are located.
  • Method of change (Relative to world, relative to object)
  • Multiple objects (You should be able to select many parts and resize them all at once, much the same as CMDUtl’s “MoveObject”/“RotateObject” setting
  • Pivot (Allow us to select a point in space from which we can rotate the model, allow snap to edges/vertex)

Without all of these, you cannot hope to create something that I would even consider using over a plugin, so just adding a few (such as the ones you suggested) won’t be enough, and I would encourage you to go all-out with this instead of half-way which would no doubt leave us disappointed. (Like with that local part resize/move a while ago which was never completed)

[quote] With building I’m kinda forced to use Classic Studio because Studio 2013 begins running at less than 10 frames per second in less than 3 minutes of building.

Not only that, but inputs are delayed anywhere between 1 and 5 seconds (Or don’t register at all)

Even things like moving the camera with the mouse or WASD keys get delayed.

I don’t know why this is happening, it only seems to be happening to me, but this is a large reason why Studio 2013 is unusable. Also it’s more comfortable to work with the old handles (They felt like they had larger grab areas), and having the ability to snap parts AND models to the coordinate plane was amazing for any games built ground up using Symmetrical FormFactor.

Also the ability to move/ resize multiple parts on their own axis. So if you have a generated circle, you could change the width/ diameter of it on a whim. [/quote]

I’ve had the same issues, and I always figured that my computer just sucked. In my game RDR (link in my signature) I have a relatively small building as the world, and my Studio tends to lag in the ways you mentioned when moving around.

I find that pointing my camera towards the sky or opening a script stops the lag. If I have my camera in the middle of the building and it’s lagging, I open and close a script and that sometimes fixes it. If I start moving around, though, the lag returns.

It’s like when a part is inside your field of view, your computer starts to render it and continues to do so even when it goes off-screen. When you open and close a script, it stops rendering all bricks and only resumes rendering them when they re-enter your field of view.

Unsure if that’s what is really going on, but you get the idea.

Also, I don’t lag in online games with maps this size, just Studio. I guess because online you don’t render everything all the time.[/quote]


The only thing I love doing on Studio 2013 is scripting. Cause the scripting is not affected by lag whatsoever UNTIL you select anything with the Explorer or Properties window. Then the lag rushes back in.

The #1 reason why I use CMDutl is because of roblox’s drag tool. Not axis drag, not resize, but the drag tool. It is my enemy, and I hate it. When I’m editing places and I click on a brick, it doesn’t just select the brick, it selects it and moves it 500 studs away. CMDutl’s mouse is my friend. I can click on bricks willy-nilly and they won’t move around one bit. This is especially true in huge places. I dread trying to copy and paste decals because in order to do that I have to select the default drag tool and double click on a brick, but guess what, it moves the model. The other thing that is insanely annoying is decals and textures do not support paste into. That bugs the hell out of me. One of the things I would like to see is support for undo/redo operations, in cmdutl or in these hypothetical new tools.

so, in addition to what everyone else said,
[li]make a tool that only selects, no click+drag[/li]
[li]fix Paste Into for instances IsA(“Decal”)==true[/li]
[li]support undo/redo operation[/li]

Every damn feature in CmdUtl is incredibly helpful for me. Just get every version of CmdUtl and combine all the features into a slightly better looking interface and I’m happy.

Just remove every 1.2x1.2 brick.

Why can’t they all just be 1x1

Can we get a neat little panel that we can snap anywhere on our Studio screen? Much like CmdUtl? One of the things I love about CmdUtl is that it has everything I need in a small portion of my screen. Very compact and it’s all right there.

Also, I’m all up for updates that help builders in Studio, but I personally believe Studio should be made as simple as possible, so that newer users can get more into building. Features like the ones found in CmdUtl are awesome, however they should be left to the people who are advanced enough to know about installing plugins; The people who know more than just the basics.

I first got into building thanks to Studio being so easy and basic back in late 2007 when I was 12. I feel that if I had joined Roblox at that same age with advanced tools in Studio, I’d be discouraged and never get into building at all. Why not keep Studio simple, and allow plugins to aid the more “Studio-Inclined” users? This way new users can get encouraged to start building, and after that they can install some plugins and take it a step further once they’re more comfortable!

Just my two cents! Thanks for everything you guys do with Studio!

[quote] Can we get a neat little panel that we can snap anywhere on our Studio screen? Much like CmdUtl? One of the things I love about CmdUtl is that it has everything I need in a small portion of my screen. Very compact and it’s all right there.

Also, I’m all up for updates that help builders in Studio, but I personally believe Studio should be made as simple as possible, so that newer users can get more into building. Features like the ones found in CmdUtl are awesome, however they should be left to the people who are advanced enough to know about installing plugins; The people who know more than just the basics.

I first got into building thanks to Studio being so easy and basic back in late 2007 when I was 12. I feel that if I had joined Roblox at that same age with advanced tools in Studio, I’d be discouraged and never get into building at all. Why not keep Studio simple, and allow plugins to aid the more “Studio-Inclined” users? This way new users can get encouraged to start building, and after that they can install some plugins and take it a step further once they’re more comfortable!

Just my two cents! Thanks for everything you guys do with Studio! [/quote]

That’s a good point. Perhaps instead of the staff making advanced tools part of Studio, just make a plugin instead?

I suppose. I just don’t want new players to be discouraged when it comes to Studio. The more options, the worse, as crazy as that sounds. Keep it simple, and if you need more, install it instantly.

Hi All, thanks for the feedback. We definitely like to keep revisions simple and we don’t want to overly complicate the UI to scare away new users. There are definitely a lot of suggestions in this thread that seem to be within the realm of possibility.

I’ll talk to the team and get some ideas sorted out.