What is a good amount of robux for advertising?

Hello! I am wanting to advertise my game but am new to the entire process. What is a minimum amount of robux that I need to spend on ads/sponsor, and how many days should I do it for?


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In order to have a successful ad campaign, I recommend anywhere from 100k - 300k Robux. You should put these entirely into sponsored, as those are the most effective for games. I would also stick with only sponsering for PC, unless your game has other platforms supported. If that is the case, I would do 70% PC and split the other 30% between the other platforms. As for days, anywhere from 2 - 5 days works best in my experience. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much! This helps a lot

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Thank you, I will look at this thread.

I definitely agree with @Phenomizon with the amount of robux to spend, but please. Please do not just spend 200k robux on an advertisement that you’ve never tested and made in 1 minute using Microsoft paint. (not saying you would do that lol but I’ve seen it happen before)

But what I mean is be sure to test your ad with a small amount of robux. I’d recommend 1k - 3k robux and look at the CTR (click-through-rate) average CTR’s usually range from 1-1.50% so if yours is higher than that it may be a decent ad but you should test it with a few ads. I would go more into detail but there is already a great thread about this I’ll link here: Using the Roblox Advertising System

Let me know if you have anymore questions!


@Phenomizon Honestly, i would use around 300k robux in total on sponsors mainly b/c it only last 1 day. Using 300k robux in a day on 1 sponsor is a complete waste. Dividing it would be the smartest idea to do

100k each day or 50k each day


If you’re advertising a new game, start with 2k-10k to make sure players actually enjoy your game and everything works. It’s a nightmare if you spend a huge sum of Robux, only to find out your game has been broken all day.


were can I get the robux if I dont make much money at all

there is no way to get it for free

You must spend money, in order to make money. That’s just how things are.

Become a game tester. There’s many jobs looking for testers.

Charge an hourly rate of robux for testing out a game and report important bugs in the game.