What is a ".Lock file"?

I saved my game as a. rblx file and then it created a new file called “GameNameHere.V0.1.rblx.lock”.
If I try to load the file studio appears to load and then shuts itself down.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and what is a .lock file?


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“When a database is already in use and another user tries to open it, a locked copy of the file will be opened instead of the editable copy. This file is saved with the .lock file suffix. This LOCK file prevents the user from making changes to the file while another user is editing it.” – file.org

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Lock files are used by systems to prevent concurrent writes to a file. The process that owns the lock will write information about itself into a lock file. Other processes can then check for a lock and know who owns it including the same process.

Commonly lock files are not visible depending on your file visibility settings.

In short there is nothing to worry about.


I have this same problem but cant open the studio file, how do I fix this? Its a problem to worry about for me.

The lock files should be removed after a system has finished using the file allowing other systems to access the file. In some cases a lock file will remain so I would reboot your pc which should remove the lock by closing any background processes and if you are still having issues after that then it should be safe to delete the lock file as no other systems would be using the file.