What is making this asset instantly trigger an Account Warning?

My friend has been trying to make Models for one of my upcoming games, and it has proven to be an extremely frustrating experience.

Their task was simple: Make a funny looking bottle of Almond Milk.

Only one problem.
Upon uploading this Almond Milk, their account was immediately met with a Warning -

This is clearly nonsensical, as no such “Off site link” exists.
I tried it on my profile and was met with the same thing.
This is not simply a normal content rejection - This is such a large trigger in Roblox’s moderation, it is a full warning, something that I don’t normally see from asset rejections unless they’re more serious.

Can someone tell me what the issue is here? These are the two sides shown.


Now, I’m aware that small text can sometimes be an issue in textures, but really?
Roblox is supposed to be a Competitive game engine in modern days, you can’t seriously tell me some small text can Completely halt all progress on a game and lead to account moderation?

I’d love for a response from the developer relations teams or something because this is ridiculous. I’ve managed to avoid having asset moderation problems until now, and this is some hella cold water splashed into my face.


It’s probably warning you guys because its promoting people to get up and get Milk :skull:


But it’s so Almondy-Delicious!


its probably because of the bar code on the back, it could be a real one and if you scan it it could take you to an off site link or something.

I don’t know though, that’s just my guess. Try removing it and see if you get met with a warning again.


I guess I can try that, but that isn’t a very valid solution, considering for a game involving supermarket shopping, not having a barcode is nonsensical. I tried running the barcode through a barcode scanner and it did not lead to any results, either way. Weird that roblox would be so particular.

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why not make the barcode have every number a 0 if that works?
(i may be wrong about this)

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This happened before, usually barcodes are disallowed.


Are you sure about this? We’ve tried a new version now and all we removed was the bottom text, since it was mostly garbled anyways, and that seemed to do the trick.

(removed section)

This is simply unbelievable, nonsensical even!

I am a VERIFIED DEVELOPER attempting to make a LARGE SCALE GAME that will require HUNDREDS OF ASSETS, and you are telling me that, in doing the “trial-and-error” process roblox forces us to, there is a risk of being permanently banned?

Before it was just Warnings, but my graphics designer just got a full day ban this time, for attempting to figure out what is and isn’t allowed via trial and error - the ONLY way to do this.

Most of the time roblox will simply moderate content but with this particular rule & automated punishment, it’s clear that roblox has given their AI moderation the ability to escalate bans regarding this.

This punishment happened 6 hours after they uploaded their last attempt, in which they believed it was finally accepted, but instead, this moderation system has decided to, 6 hours after the fact, ban them for a full day.

Is that it? Is this game I was prepared to invest millions of robux into dead in the water because, due to needing a variety of products modelled and textured, every single thing we upload is in danger of excessive punishment?

Is this it? Do i just have to take the unconfirmed advice of strangers on the internet in what is or isn’t acceptable here? Roblox’s moderation is so haphazard that for all I know, there are multiple things not allowed on my textures, or, there could be nothing at all disallowed and just a bug! It is impossible for me to know because Roblox REFUSES to give appropriate context in it’s automated ban messages.

This is simply not acceptable. I need to talk to someone at Roblox. Do I have to start blindly tagging people in developer relations for this? I hate that, despite developer relations actively going on this forum and replying, I can’t seemingly email/contact them directly. They force me to take these complaints to the forum every time, as there is no generic “Contact someone” form in roblox that doesn’t lead directly to bots.

And no, I’m not going to appeal this. The ban would be over by the time the appeal got “”““read””" (Unlikely if it’d be by a real human), and it would not fix this issue. It needs to be addressed.


FWIW barcodes and QR codes are not allowed, moderation can’t/won’t look at them and will assume they encode something inappropriate. You can design a clearly fake coding image, or distort the barcode so that it is very obviously unscannable.

Small smudged text is also a hazard, I would recommend replacing unreadable text with either blocked out text shapes (rectangles instead of glyphs), clearer text, or nothing at all.

Further, for mass uploading (risky) assets, it’s absurd but you should do this on an alt account.

I’ve been struggling to find Roblox’s actual guidelines on this, can you link to the page stating this sort of thing? I’ve only been able to find old official sources that don’t seem to lead anywhere anymore.

Also, what the hell, roblox?

I hate the hypocrisy there. They can upload all the stupid, blurry-text, barcode-ridden stuff they want, but god forbid a verified player who has made the company hundreds of thousands of dollars does.

This is like, irredeemably absurd on roblox’s end I feel. I don’t know how they plan to sustain themselves as a real game engine if developers have to jump through so many hoops.

I think Roblox assets go through moderation these days too. Not sure when the bloxy cola texture was uploaded, but it was probably a very long time ago.

As for links and such, I don’t know of any. I’ve been on this platform for a decade and a half and some things you just pick up. For this case it’s implicit on the offsite link rule; barcodes/QR codes can contain links and I don’t anticipate moderation reliably (or at all) scanning them to check. They probably just kill anything with a scannable code.

I just wish this was something I was capable of finding out. Google searching guidelines for roblox assets, and looking through official roblox sources, has provided me very little success. It’s as if they’ve hidden it somewhere.

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Imma bout to start yelling


Bro, you are not winning this fight. I’m not a big Dev like you. But what I have learned that you have to play it super safe with making games on Roblox. Anything creative or different will be severely moderated.

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Does anyone have an actual link to the rules regarding this? I still cannot find them. Maybe they’re in a different spot than they used to be.

it’s the barcode, appeal to moderation and the asset will be back up. worked for me

This will end up being multiple hundred assets, tho …

AFAIK, there are no rules directly stating that barcodes aren’t allowed, but barcodes have always been moderated (mostly always at least). It’s just under the blanket rule of “Directing Users off Platform”.

It definitely should be clearly stated rather than surprising devs with a ban, but it’s 100% the barcode giving you the problem.

You should stop trying at this point, at this point you might just get your account terminated if you keep getting flagged like this.

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