What is the purpose of PlatformStand property?
I see some scripts calling Humanoid.PlatformStand = true/false, but I do not know what they are trying to achieve with this call…
The developer reference also did not help me
Thank you
What is the purpose of PlatformStand property?
I see some scripts calling Humanoid.PlatformStand = true/false, but I do not know what they are trying to achieve with this call…
The developer reference also did not help me
Thank you
it usually puts the humanoid into physics state. In this state the player character has his movement disabled, its the same behavior when you get flinged.
its used for ragdolling (internet died)
The PlatformStand property was used to disable Humanoid physics. It is for putting the player in a motionless state. In many games, when PlatformStand was introduced the concept of “Freezing” became a trend, since Humanoids could still move while anchored.
When you say that the Humanoid could still move, you mean that if the HumanoidRootPart is anchored, the last moving animation of the player will continue to play?
But if PlatformStand is activated, the Humanoid will stop any moving animations and will not be able to move, but still can be moved by external force?
Back before the new Humanoid physics update that came in the previous decade, Humanoids could still move if the Humanoid.Torso
was anchored.
To clarify, this has nothing to do with animations. The PlatformStand
property determines if the player can move or not.
For example, here is a script that will freeze the character:
--server script in a character or unanchored rig
local character = script.Parent
local HRP = character.HumanoidRootPart
local Humanoid = character.Humanoid
--Assuming that the HRP's transparency is 1, we can make it the ice brick
HRP.Transparency = 0.7
HRP.Size = Vector3.new(6, 6, 6)
HRP.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
--Then, we cause the Humanoid to PlatformStand
Humanoid.PlatformStand = true