What kind of models/assets would you like to see open-sourced?

Alright, so I want to open-source some things because I found some open-sourced models a while ago by @LuaBearyGood and @Tenrous that made my life a lot better!
So I thought it’d be nice to give back to the community, and I uploaded this a few hours ago 12 Free Low Poly Assets! and I want to upload more things!
So I thought I should ask the ones I’m doing this for what they’d like to see open-sourced!
As I’m not a modeller and I’m just paying someone for these who’s amazing at modelling there aren’t many things out of limits.
My budget for open-sourcing items is about 250k, so feel free to suggest anything that you think is worth less than that!

So, what would you like to see open-sourced?
I’m not going to open-source custom things though, I want to open source things like asset packs. (e.g a low poly tree pack, a pet pack, a building pack)


How about a palm tree, or a boat? It could be used for an island.

(EDIT:) Ah, didnt see that one, sorry! Maybe a radio?? (I’m not sure lol)

I’d suggest checking out the asset pack I already linked!
I have a palm tree there already. :slight_smile:

Simple, but a good looking leaderboard model.


I’d love seeing some more high quality landscaping packs open-sourced. Out of all the things I have trouble making, high poly landscaping elements always are the hardest, and when I go to look for free/open-source stuff the selection is really small.

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If I were you, the best things to open source are things that you had a hand in creating. I would not spend a dime on anything and open source it. Save your money. If you’re truly interested in helping the community and it’s members grow in their development skills, take some time to create something that people can learn from and use in their own games, and then open source it. I’m not sure if you’re a scripter or not but if you are, maybe create a module that nobody has released yet and open source that. You would not only get a lot of recognition, you’d help a lot of people most likely. That’s just an idea.


Hmm yeah I suppose that might be a little cheaper haha. Well, in my games I have a pet system, and that specifically is something that I spent over 6 months trying to find because at the time I didn’t know how to script. Do you think a pet system is something the community would benefit from?

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