Now this is an interesting post!
Lets start with the basics.
scenario 1
Humans like interaction and effect, without this you’re game is going nowhere, you click a button something doesn’t happen, your player isn’t impressed and leaves.
scenario 2
Your player has joined and found a button, they click and a part is spawned, they do this again and easily lose interest and leave.
From here its easy to understand one basic factor, people don’t enjoy repetition, so you can outline any parts of your game that feel repetitive, however people don’t enjoy little to no impact, so you’re going to need some interaction, without being (once again) repetitive, and this is what is called RNG, giving a player a chance but not a guarantee, make things random, something to hope for, something that not everyone may get, make your player feel like they’re lucky.
Lets say you’re playing one of those pet simulator clones, and you see a player behind a locked wall that you can’t pass, and the required score to pass is 100k, but oh no, you’ve only got 99k, why don’t we just stay alittle longer just to get to that area and prove we’re as good, if not better than the player ahead!
From here its clear, people like to be in front, people like to know they’re at the top, and will fight for this position, add something your players can work up to, something they can fight over and ofc, have conflict over, something that makes them think “I can do better than them” because this means they’ll stay longer, which means more people join and the cycle continues.
To end it off lets go over something everyone understands.
Everyone knows them, everyone wants them, from skins to badges, there’s a market, getting bored of the RNG? bested everyone below you? well now would be a great time to leave and find another game, buuuuut you’re so close to getting that super rare badge, or that shiny new skin, why not just push alittle further and unlock it, maybe the next one after, and after that.
I don’t think I need to explain why this is good for gameplay and how much a player enjoys your game, because its something we’ve all experienced while having fun, you’ve done everything there is to do, and you’re feeling alittle bored, but soon you’ll have that new unlockable and BOOM, you’re suddenly hit with that rush of dopamine and you’re right back to having some fun.
Hope this helped, and congrats you honestly took the time to read all this, ha ha.
also, alot of my inspo was from this video, go check it out if you’d like a much further and in-depth version of pretty much everything I just wrote.