What we announced at RDC 2023

what would be even cooler with roblox connect is that it could be a roblox social media, sort of like instagram or something but for roblox, funny game moments things like that, people could comment and message each other, that’s what i hope roblox connect will be like


Cel shading was never mentioned nor planned but it would be cool to have.

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Is this available to watch somewhere online? I really want to hear all the highlights

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marble rolling physics test - Roblox the FogColor is R 524,800 G 522,240 B 522,240 (Color3.new(2050,2040,2040)) which makes the fog glow like neon, but the FogStart and FogEnd are far away so you cant see it. not sure why this causes cel shading to happen
on mobile it just makes basically everything pitch black

If you missed the keynote livestream, you can rewatch it on YouTube.

I meant the engine innovation highlights, I already watched the entire keynotes stream, but it ended right as the Q&A was starting

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This sounds very cool! I can’t wait for what is next, and I’m looking forward to rdc24! That’s all I have to say.

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Man, I feel like these are some of the coolest features for devs in a while
Great job Roblox!! :fire: :fire:

hold up, wait a minute. you didn’t say this in the keynote. can you be more specific on this? this makes me think that all items are going to go limited, but you guys wouldn’t be dumb enough to do that… right?

I think most developers want AI to help them out a LOT more than this. Who was ever asking for cel shading on mobile other than you?

cant you just set fog color to ultraviolet and set fogstart/end to inf

I’m so excited for a lot of these features! I’m still a bit iffy about the AI stuff if I’ll be honest. I’m excited for the Playstation versions of Roblox. Hopefully this will give Devs more of a reason to actually add console support.

yes, but that just makes basically everything pitch black on mobile

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No one asked for it because only people who make “metaverse experiences” like “Spotify Island” and “Elapse seconds on empty baseplate” and “Disapearings Blocks Colors Disappear Fun 3D Race” are allowed to post feature requests on the devforum, and most people who WOULD use cel shading probably dont even think to ask for it, or they dont think roblox is a good enough game engine (because it isn’t) to have cel shading

They will probably take into account the amount of visits, like ratio, the creator/group of the game’s account statistics, and more to determine if the game the player is banned from can be accounted for in the overall ban.

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Will the Innovation Awards be posted as a devforum post or similar, due to the unfortunate cancelling due to a security threat?


I think they might go the old way (Inside of a Roblox Game), do it on another, or post it inside of a DevForum post. Sad to see that someone did that.


This isnt an actual feature. This is just abusing uncapped RGB limits which causes graphical elements to glitch out.
(Still hope we get shading of course, not trying to be pessimistic)

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Nice! All of this stuff is very good! I’m very glad Roblox is changing, evolving, and getting better!

Now that rest of RDC 2023 has been cancelled

Will we see the rest of the features that would’ve been revealed at this RDC 2023 at any point this year? I would like to see RDC 2023 be virtual only if we can’t have it in-person to retain some of the RDC magic

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