What we announced at RDC 2023

? All the AI does is help developers, especially new ones. It’s literally less useful for big companies with large teams making “metaverse experiences.”

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Time to become one with Meta!!


I don’t 100% remember the timetable for RDC but I think the only thing being missed now due to RDC being cancelled is the innovation awards, seeing as they were about to happen and I don’t think Roblox had to much to plan afterwards, especially not relating to feature announcements or whatnot.



Marketplace is going to go crazy fr
TY Roblox So much more robux is going to be earned
Plus decoractive terrain never heard of it untill now now im thinking of using it in a game

Im looking foreward to roblox calls too

I was saying why no one asked for cel shading, not why no one asked for AI.

Also, AI is less helpful for both inexperienced and experienced developers and more helpful for uncreative greedy people who think they want to be game developers but really only care about money.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend RDC 2023 so glad to see a thread just to go over what was announced.

  • File syncing is going to be a great addition when implemented. Makes it much easier to use an external editor.
  • Finally Roblox is moving to Playstation! Been wondering when this was going to happen. Glad to see it now.
  • As someone who wants to use AI more in my workflow, the AI tools planned are going to be used a lot from me. Very exciting stuff.
  • As much as I hate them, I’m glad they are here. Having what will likely be a service dedicated to subscriptions and not having to use Datastores which if not implemented properly can lose data will be a much overdue feature.
  • I know for some people this might not be ideal, but I think overall this is a good change. Selling assets in US$ is what most marketplaces do and allows for immediate payment instead of hoping you make enough to DevEx at the end of the month. Good for developers overall, potentially bad for developers who might only be able to purchase assets with Robux.
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-- roblox doesn’t have cel shading period, assuming you are using the fog method that is quite literally just a floating point precision error caused by handling math with massive numbers. mobile doesn’t support hdr so this glitch which entirely relies on hdr’s floating-point values just can’t occur. even still on pc it doesn’t create cel shading it just posturizes the image

-- also don’t rely on glitches and hacky unsupported workarounds because they could break at any time without notice

Sorry but is it just me, ain’t it kind of creepy to make an avatar similar to your real face? I get it, it’s cool but people will have a slight idea of what you actually look like.

This is just my own opinion on the matter and the avatar stuff stuck out to me quite a bit.

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This UPDATE is one of the best updates ever like finally ROBLOX is coming to PlayStation and you can upload UGC and also call people on ROBLOX

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Just wondering lf video calls will be moderated because it can pose some security risks.


not really heres why you as ugc creator has to pay to restock a limited ugc or limited overall
with that said guess what you as the buyer gets hurt and by hurt i mean loose money the creator itself also looses money
F5qMyhNXgAA7t7V hope this make sense to alot of you guys but over all everyone needs to speak up get yalls voices heard becuse even if you dont want to do ugc but you guys buy ugc items it helps them out too so speak up tell roblox to rethink the ideas they around to bring to the table and let your voices be heard


Amazing! Keep up the good work Roblox!


in the gif it shows that you have to right click to sync changes, is there going to be a way that it can be automatic like how rojo does?


Looking forward to all those additions.


A lot of this seems cool and all, so excited what the future will bring to Roblox. Like the Roblox call connect thing, the ai generative stuff, and all of that.


This isn’t exclusive to Roblox: it’s simply how economics works. If you allow UGC creators to create an infinite amount of supply for a low amount of Robux you’ll quickly see the value of Robux plummet.


This is regarding the “ability to control the height of the grass in experiences”.

This is quite a update for us in regards to grass and overall environment, however I think making it a non-scriptable property is a mistake. Furthermore You guys should add the same “grass” decoration to “LeafyGrass” terrain that is on “Grass” Grass terrain or add a new one with both features… Both would have seperate height properties…

Yes, this may be a greedy request as I was hoping to be able to create better grass cutting systems on the platform… but I think others would benefit from this greatly too, imagine the terrain design possibilities :slight_smile:


Support for file syncing

For the file syncing, it should definitely be external editor driven events eg ‘save’ or ‘key press’ and not a button to ‘sync with roblox’, kind of a nightmare for programmer UX. The plugin Rojo syncs one way from external editor to roblox when saving within the external editor - studio should at least match that or create a two way communication between editors which Rojo is currently unable to do.


We have absolutely no interaction with the grass, to me it is terrible that people are very excited about this small opportunity, which in my opinion could have been done a long time ago. Although I hope that we will be given more opportunities to customize the grass, the possibility of custom grass (such is quite possible and make yourself, but obviously not for beginners, and performance problems will be


The stock tho after the 100% profit for market place items