What's the best way I can make a tiny kelp forest?

Hey, for reference, this is a good illustration of what I am aiming for. I’d like to create a model of a kelp plant that can elegantly sway underwater. I could rig it, but the wind blowing feature is way to fast. Meaning, it doesn’t look like something slowly moving underwater.
Maybe I can change something like the density or gravity, but idk if it would effect how quick the kelp are moving.
Besides, I don’t think I can create the beatiful dynamic movement of the kelp with wind, unless I am proven otherwise. Are there other options to this? I am somewhat clueless

you could probably use beams for these, using the curves, attachment positions, etc. to make it “move”

I’m afraid it wouldn’t give the best possible immersive effect. For me, the 3 dimensiality and weight of these kelp is really important.

maybe a mix of the two, 3d models for areas you can go in, 2d for areas you can’t

how would I make the 3d models moved my desired way

Is it a solid MeshPart based model, or is it a Skinned (deformable) MeshPart?Skinned MeshParts are live!

What do you have your Wind setting speed at?

I am not quite sure how I will approach this as of yet. I could make it multiple parts with ball sockets, or an actual skinned mesh. My wind does not work for some reason, so I am unsure if wind speed effects how slowly something is moving. It defo effects how much it is moving though. I do not wish to animate my skinned mesh, as I want the movements to be physics based.

I also don’t want the kelp to wiggle randomly like a worm, but rather have a nice flow like in abzu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm3SVRM665M

Using physics would be really tough on the lag in the game.

Skinned meshes can be CanCollide true and animated I believe.

One thing I noticed about the video you sent was that each individual piece of kelp seems to have it’s own animation. Movement across a bunch of stalks that are close to each other should be similar, unless disturbed by an outside force like the fish.

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Btw, my wind is not blowing when I am playtesting for some reason

Are you using terrain water? Wind probably doesn’t work under that.

Place some grass (click the Decoration checkbox) above your water to see if it blows sideways.

Also change your wind speed. I think they fixed it so the windspeed increases as you climb in altitude so if you’re building below 0 on the Y axis that may slow it down.

mmmmm What about Smartbone?

Physics based bones oh yeahhh!!!

Rig a kelp mesh and then, use the bones (spine) as your dynamic factor when it’s in the ocean. For mine, I have ocean current and my kelp and plants react based to that variable. Each bone has it’s own pre-determined weight and then, I let physics do the rest.

For ocean current, I use the wave variable for the water body that’s in (voxel terrain, etc). The strength of the wave would be the variable’s value. Voxel terrain can be a little bit rigid so, I have a voxel ocean and then, a overlay “ocean” on-top that controls the physical elements in the water.


Thank you! I have some follow up questions too. What weight (color) would you recommend? I am not sure what gradient I need to do in order to achieve this nice swaying effect.

As for the wave, I didn’t know it effected physics/bone movement? Do you have an additional script for that?

Would something extreme like this (maybe minus the sea grass) be possible too? Or If I were to do it with sea grass, then make it more stylised with less individual blades